Boromir ~ Free

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Boromir had never quite gotten over the sight of you. You were in his thought nearly all the time and yet, he knew nothing about you.

It had been but a fleeting glance as he returned from some battle or meeting, he wasn't sure which now, and there you had been, flowers in your hair, a long dress sweeping around you.

A carefree smile on your lips.

He knew he had to find you.

But that was easier said than done in this large city.

He spent a long time simply around where he had last seen you but to no avail.

Meaning he had the whole city to search.

He told no one of his venture, merely using his free time to look, many of his soldiers simply thinking he was patrolling the city as always, they all knew that dark times were coming.

Then he saw you again.

He hadn't been actively looking today, he was heading out to patrol and did his routine of going through the market district first.

And there you were.

Happily talking away to the baker, a basket full of bread under your arm.

He had frozen, much to the confusion of his men who stared at him, the smarter few following his gaze, then chuckling.

The chuckling brought Boromir around and his face burned as he forced himself onwards, knowing he would definitely regret it later.

Sure enough, when he returned sometime later, he could not find you.

It was of great annoyance to him that you were just beyond his grasp. He knew you lived in the city, that was obvious by your clothes, but trying to find just wasn't working.

Faramir approached him on one particular day where he was looking very troubled.

"Shall I suggest a woman to ease your troubles?"

Boromir jumps as Faramir laughs, Boromir's face going red.

"That is not funny brother." He says darkly, returning to staring into his pint.

"Is it not? Boromir, Captain of the guard, smitten by a woman he does not know." He winks when Boromir glares at him. "The men talk brother, don't think I did not know."

Boromir scowls, rubbing his eyes. "If I hadn't been such an idiot that day in the market, no one would be any the wiser."

"I beg to differ." Faramir says lightly, sitting next to him at the table and calling for two drinks. "You make it too obvious."

"Don't start Faramir." Boromir says in a very impolite grunt.

Faramir laughs. "What's the matter? Don't know how to take a joke?"

"This is no joke." He growls. "And if you keep treating it as such, I will make sure you-"

He stops, staring. He didn't dare believe it to be so, but there you were, walking through the inn door, your arm looped through a much older gentleman's, and still, that brilliant smile was on your face.

Faramir's grin widened. "Well, what do we have here?"

"Shut it." Boromir said in warning and pretending to bury himself into his mug of ale, red flaming at his cheeks.

Faramir laughs. "Shall I find out her name for you at least?"

"You will do nothing." Boromir hisses and flinches away as your eyes travel through the inn.

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