Annoy- Ministar.3

672 10 1

P.O.V- third
Prompt- not really sure myself
Vik was annoying. Simon didn't mean it like he is a bad person. But when he was in the midst of editing and all Vik wanted to do was disturb him, it was a problem.

Simon did the best he could to ignore him. He pushed away the hand constantly poking at his cheek. He turned up his music volume to block out the sound of Vik calling his name. Over, and over, and over again.

It was like Vik couldn't take a hint. Simon couldn't bring himself to tell Vik to bug off. Instead he continued to ignore him.

Vik was beyond annoyed at Simon. Twenty minutes he has been trying to get his attention, and for twenty minutes, he has failed.

Vik, already completing his 3 videos, wanted to cuddle. But Simon wanted none of it. He continued working like there wasn't someone behind him calling his name every five seconds.

Vik, finally giving up, went to lay down on Simons bed. He felt the bed dip ten minutes later.

"You're annoying"
Simon and Vik sat on their couch with two controllers in their hands. A intense race on GTA took place in front of them as Simon raced ahead of Vik. A small bet was placed, whoever losing having to make breakfast for a week.

Vik nipped the back of Simon's car, making him spin out. Simon now enraged put one of his hands in front of Vik, blocking his view.

"Oi stop that. That's cheating"

Simon made no effort to move his hand away and continued racing ahead. Vik pushed his hand down getting annoyed, but only for it to be replaced again. A small cheer was yelled by Simon.

"I won!"

"No way! You cheated"

"All's fair in GTA Races"

"That's not how it goes"

Vik pushed Simon away.

"I win by forfeit then"

"Your annoying"

-Going to try to put titles now
-Did this in like 15 minutes

Tbjzl/ Sidemen OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt