Part Nineteen: Actually Waking Up

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A few hours later, Sans woke up, greeted by three, well sorta if you count Papyrus, friendly faces.

His vision was dazed and he felt dizzy, as a wave of nausea fell over him.
The others could sense his pain.

"Sans, brother, are you alright?" Papyrus said with concern and care.
Sans was shocked at Papyrus' care.
The two females weren't as shocked.

Sans couldn't say anything because of the pain. After a little, Papyrus began to notice his lack of speech.

"I guess sense you can't speak, Sans, just blink, once for yes twice for no."

Sans blinked once in understandment.
"Are you alright?"
Sans blinked three times, Papyrus was confused at first then he asked
"Does that mean a little?"
Sans blinked once.
"Can you move your arms or anything?"
Sans tried to move his body, but failed, he could only do limited movements, like maybe flop his hands.
Sans blinked 3 times again.
"Sans, if you can do sign launguage, what happened?" Undyne suddenly broke in.
Sans could sign, a little, but still could do it so the three could understand.
"Okay, good Sans, what happened?"
I woke up, and heard someone, then when I tried to get up, I fell. Sans signed with his limited movement.
"O-okay Sans, t-thanks f-for telling us t-that Sans."
Sans put a little thumbs up sign.
"Want us to leave you alone for a bit, Dude?" Undyne said.


"Okay, we'll see ya later."
And with that, they all started to leave, but Sans tugged on Papyrus' boney (no sinners, doooon't think like me, get your minds outta the weed house) arm.

Papyrus turns around to face Sans with concern.
"Yes, Brother?" Papyrus said lacing his voice with care and concern.

"C-" Sans was starting to talk but he was interrupted rudely by his coughing fit.
After the whole coughing thing, Papyrus rushed quickly out of the room to get Sans water.

Papyrus quickly returned to give Sans water, also helping him sit up and help him drink it.

Sans felt like a helpless babybones, having to be helped drink water.

Papyrus could tell like he was embarrassed a little.
"Your hurt, I don't want you to get more hurt or get wet (UP-UP-UP SINNERS NO NO NO NO. NO SIN IN HERE FOR THIS FANFIC).

Once Sans was done drinking the water, he put it down, with Papyrus' help of course.

"What were you going to say, brother?"

I was going to say if I could talk to you in private.

"Alright, brother, what do you need to talk about?"

Back at the house and all, why did you get so angry?

"Oh, well um," Papyrus felt a bit embarrassed talking about it, but continued for his brothers sake. "The Royal Guard was a bit uh, stressful, and you know I have no patience for when your lazy, but I guess I do make you wake up early. Anyway, do you have trouble sleeping?"

Yeah, I just didn't want to tell you. I thought it might stress you out. Also, do you even know what insomnia is?

"*sigh* Thank you for being so considerate, Sans, and yes, I do know what an insomniac is. Your one."


Then they talked about stuff...

Tibia continued......

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