Grieco and I jumped . “Haven't you heard of knocking ?” Grieco said .

“It is my house .”

Alex said down next to me , and pulled his own guitar onto his lap .

“Alright” Alex said , “I'll do the intro , which is -” He played a quick version of the guitar intro by himself .

“And you'll play this ; G C D C . Got it ?”

To demonstrate , Alex showed me which chords to play .His fingers moved easily up and down the fretboard , I longed to be able to do that !

I played the chords to myself twice , before looking up for further instruction .

“It's really just the same thing for the whole song” Alex said indifferently . He turned to Grieco . “You know the drum parts , Lexi ?”

“You bet I do , Allypop” Came the answer .

Alex started the intro , and when the lyrics started , Grieco and I picked up with him .

“G C D C” I whispered to myself , as Alex began to sing .

I'm me , me be , God damn , I am ...”

When we got to the chorus , we all got louder , rousing Pommie and Rian from their beds .

If you want to destroy my sweater , woah , woah a woah !Hold this thread as I walk away , as I walk away ! Watch me unravel , I'll soon be naked ! Lying on the floor , lying on the floor – I've come undone !” Alex sang . I admired how he could play the guitar and sing at the same time .

“Very nice” Rian said , when we were finished , “Hope you guys aren't starting a band behind me back .”

“Nah , we still need a bass player” Alex answered standing up , “So Pommie , picking up any instruments lately ?”

We all laughed , and went towards the kitchen for breakfast . “If you need a lift home , Grieco , I'm heading to the store later , I'll drop you over” Offered Rian . Grieco grinned .

“Thanks dude” He said .

While they were gone , Alex turned to Pommie and I .

“Hey , how clean are your rooms ?” He asked . We glanced at each other .

“Considering the fact that it's Opposite Day today , I'm gonna go with spotless” I replied , shifting uncomfortably . Pommie laughed , nodding .

“Very funny” Alex said , rolling his eyes . “Go clean them , or what time is it ? Never mind , then .”

“Why ?” I asked him . Alex shrugged .

“My mom's coming over with Spot and Peyton” He replied .

“Cool , I love your mom” I told him , then added when I saw his face “ And your dogs .”

“Good “ Alex said , “Because guess who's going on tour with us ?!”

Pommie was the first to say it .

“Your bringing your mother on tour ?” She asked .

Alex sighed . “No , I stopped doing that when I was – I mean , I never did that ! Anyway , I'm bringing my boys .”

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