
The interviewer sitting across from Nadir just stared her in the face.

That let her know that she wasn't getting the job.

"Could you at least tell me what I did wrong? That would really help me out"

"It's not what you did wrong, honey. You're a missing person"


"I'm calling the police, you-"

"You don't need to call the police. I can handle it myself, thank you. Have a nice day"

Nadir got up and dismissed herself before leaving the restaurant.

She was going to go down to the homeless shelter to see if they had any room for her.

She had wondered who reported her missing, and how someone one or four states over knew about it.

Minimal effort was put up, because she wasn't hiding, and she wasn't recognized before now.

She had wondered if Antiere sent any of his men to find her, but she didn't know how that sort of thing worked.

Usually in the wattpad books she used to read, the drug dealer had a team of men willing to do all it took to have their girlfriends saved.

A/I: Not in my girl rebranded book downfall. The main character was getting handed losses back to back. And I really liked that Alora character.

The kidnapper usually had a small dick for comedic relief, but then again, Nadir wasn't his girlfriend, and she wasn't kidnapped.

It took her around two hours to walk to the shelter, and when she got there, they did have an available space for her.

The shelter had already started serving dinner so Nadir grabbed a plate and got into line.

A few people cut her, but she didn't say anything.

If they were that hungry, they could have it.

She had eaten yesterday anyways.

She stepped up to the counter, and immediately a rounded ladle of rice was dumped onto her plate.

"I can't stand you"

She looked up, and Earnest was standing there beside a box of subway cookies.

"I uh - knew you were here" She smiled at him.

"You be lying just to lie, because you not even convincing yourself"

"Can I borrow some money?"

"You got the job to pay it back?" He smiled. "I knew you could-"

"Nope, but I still need the money"

"What you planning on buying?"

"A bus ticket. I have to go somewhere tomorrow"

"I'm going on break" Earnest said to another server. "Pass out my cookies, but don't give em all away" He wiped his hand and stepped out of line to go outside.

Nadir met him there, and they sat across the street on a bench in an empty lot.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"I'm a missing person, and I have to let people know I'm okay"

"You can't call?"

"I don't have any numbers. I just left"

"Is this the story you've refrained from telling me?"

"I got sick of disappointing people, and getting yelled at, and being a strain on everyone else's life. I'm currently homeless and on a path of self discovery. I want to help myself"

"Let me help you go on a date with me"

"Is this not a date?" Nadir teased.

"Well I don't know what the fuck I put on your plate, and I feel like this is a trash atmosphere"

"Thanks, I only live out here"

They both smiled, and sat in silence as she ate her rice and the unidentifiable bits in it.

It was a step up from the dumpster.

"I think you lowkey dissed me by not inviting me on your little trip, knowing I'm off tomorrow"

"Earnest, would you like to go on a day trip with me?"

"Nah" He shook his head."They only show you love when it's convenient"

Nadir sucked her teeth. "Time waster"

"Age eraser" He scrolled through his phone.


"You said you were seventeen. According to your missing persons report, you're an adult"

"I guess that could be true. It is getting cold, so I guess my birthday would've passed. I don't know what today is"

"Your birthday was two months ago"

"Oh, really? Congrats, me"

"Happy belated. Come on, so you can get that tattoo"

"You're not paying for anything. I disagree" Nadir wiped her mouth.

"I gave somebody a few discounted subs before, they owe my ass. Besides, I knew you two months ago. That was disrespectful of me"

"Just incase you didn't know, I-"

"Can't stand yo ass either. Let's go"


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