Chapter 8 - Confessions

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"Well look who's back, walking the walk of shame."

Elena looked horrible. Her hair was messy, the mini dress she had chosen to were last night looked as if it had seen better days and her make up screamed second day, and instead of eliminating it emphasized the dark circles beneath her eyes.

"Bit me."

Elena, exhausted as she was and very much hung over did not have the energy to deal with her friend's teasing. Instead, she hopped on the couch and lay back, feeling the world spinning around her.

"God, why did I drank so much. Rina, why did you let me drink?"

"Let you? Girl, I couldn't stop you even if I wanted to. Here, aspirin it should help you with your headache."

Lena grabbed the magic pill, thankful for its existence.

"How did you come home?"

"Cab. God my head hurts. Hey what happened last night? You know, after..."

"You mean after you disappeared, while making chaos, a chaos in which Nicolai got a pretty mean scar from."

"Yes, after that..." Of course, it took Elena a few seconds to comprehend what Arianna was talking about. "Crap."

"Oh yeah, you should really avoid him for the next few days. On second thought make that weeks."

"Nic's that pissed?"

"Oh, pissed doesn't begin to cover it. He was livid, and his mood was only getting worst as the night was dragging out and they couldn't find you. I'm telling you, I left about an hour ago around 7 in the morning just to get out of my brothers way. Not that the others were very pleasant. Only you Auntie Luisa and I took this lightly."

"How did my aunt ended up in the club?"

"We weren't at the club. Let me take the whole story from the beginning, but first lets move this party to your bedroom. Something tells me we'll soon have visitors and you'd much rather to be able to pretend you are asleep at the time..."

Slowly but steadily they made it to Elena's room where she collapsed on the bed. A part of her wanted to just fall asleep, but she knew that it be much better if she heard the story of what had happened.

Arianna made herself comfortable by the window and began her story...

"So, while you were off dancing with Scot, Dante came over to where James and I were drinking. Well things happened which ended with James damping me and leaving. Now, I was annoyed at the time, but now I'm simply thankful he managed to get out.
My and Dante ended up in a storage room thing were said and to cut a long story short he kissed me and I slapped him."


"Hey! No interrupting.
Where was I? Oh right, slapping you cousin. I'm telling you Lena, i don't know what came over me. It was terrifying, but oh, it felt good.
I don't think Dante felt the same about it, if his eyes where any indication. I'm pretty sure if it was anyone else they would have gotten a third eye.
Thankfully Nic came over. You know over the years we've done some stupid things, but I had never seen him like that. He was livid.
They ended up locking the club up, no one came in no one got out without being checked. They also send people out to truck you.
Needless to say they all came out short. It became apparent that you had left.
At that point your bodyguards informed your uncle Antonio. Apparently they are from the people that report straight to him and since security in the club didn't find they had to call him.
Just like that we all ended up moving to his house. There was nothing left to be done at the club. The bartender recognized James as a regular but he had never seen Scot before.
At the mansion, I had the pleasure of being interrogate by the Don. Who the boys where how we meet... Staff like that.
I didn't know anything so he let me go to find other leads.
Everyone was up and about searching. The only plus of the night was your aunt. Her and me had fun messing with the boys and trying to lighten up the mood.
It so didn't work. Around five thirty your uncle kicked us out. We catch up for a while, but then she went back in to smooth your uncle. I didn't dear, instead I fall asleep. Woke up about an hour later, and then I had someone bring me home.
Now, your turn."

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