Important- Please Read

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Hi Guys!

I'm not very with this so I'm going to get straight to the point.

In my last chapter a couple of people pointed out some bad criticism, according to my main Character's decisions. One even asked if she is mentally unstable and that she needed a therapists.

Don't take this wrong, I welcome ALL types of criticism. It makes me think and try to become better.

So did this. By reading this I realised who fast everything happened. Not as I intended it to be. The reason for this is that I wanted to pass throught the introductions and get to the main part of the story. In the end I did mess up my characters credibility.

So, I was left with two choices.
One, to take the book down and rewrite it,
Or two, to go on as it is and try to 'save' my character.

I started going for the first option trying to rewrite and change the course of some events. To tell the truth, I wanted to finish me story as it was. With all the idiotic thinks I did.

So I wrote the next chapter, but I couldn't find it in myself to upload it if my readers - you guys, are not satisfied with the book or the MC.

After debating for a while and realy not knowing what to do, I decided to ask you.

I'm going to give you until Monday. Comment below and please tell me what you think and what you believe.
I will let the majority of you decide. If you tell me that I should rewrite it, then on Tuesday I will take it down and start updating by Friday.

If you tell me to go on, you will have a new chapter Tuesday morning.

It's up to you. Just please tell me what you believe. I realy need it.....

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