Chapter 7 Way to ruin the fun

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The night was getting late and the boys had still to reappear. Not that Arianna minded. No that's a lie, she minded, she minded a lot. As much as she liked James company, she had come tonight thinking that they would spend the night together. She had missed them so much. Instead they had damp Elena and her and went to do god knows what.

Well, atleast she had met James. The man infrond of her could not necessarily described as beautiful, but with his build up body, indicating hours spent in the gym and his dirty blonde hair and those deep brown eyes. The man infrond of her was hot.

If they had met under different circumstances, in a very different club, Arianna would certainly be all over him. But they had met today, in 'The Moirai' with people watching all around and a heartbroken Arianna. In other words he didn't stand a chance.

Not that, that stoped James from trying. Throughout the night the man had been flirting with Arianna shamelessly trying to provoke her, hopefully to spend the night at her place, but the woman wouldn't ****. She laught with his jokes but she always made sure to tell him, one way or another that she wasn't interested. It was the first time he had seen someone deflect his charm so skillfully as Arianna, but he always did live a challenge.

Suddenly the duo noticed the bartender bringing them new drinks.

"Excuse me, we didn't order new drinks."

"They are from Mr. Tosseti."

Arianna was moving jer gaze around the club trying to pin point the man. She didn't need to ask persisly which Mr. Tosseti the drinks were from. Dantes message was clear, 'I see you'.

He had always been like that, ever since the were teen. When Arianna would do something he didn't like he would sent her some form of a warning, just to let her know she's been caught, just to let her worry for a bit, befor making his appearance. It was an intimidation act. Dante had always been a predator. Quiet and ruthless in his attacks and despite Arianna keeping a straight, strong face (to show weakness is the greatest sin), dread and anticipation had consumed her.

James though didn't seem to follow on the same principles. He was borned and raised in Chicago. He knew exactly who the Tosseti were. Tosseti,Giovanni, Castigliono, DeLucce, Russo, Schiavone, Luciano and Ferri. Eight names that had been drilled to him since childhood. The people that he was always taught to stay away from, the children that he could never play with. They were their own society, they had their own rules and it terrified James that he had somehow ended up under one of their radars.

Arianna had seen the pealness that had covered her companions face but had chosen to say nothing of it. She knew what he was thinking, the fear that was clouding his mind. Instead she had decided to take her things and move away from him, someplace else. If a confortation was coming she much rather be alone.

She was too late. Befor she could even begin to cather her things to leave, Dante appeared besides them.

James didn't need to ask who the stoic man watching them was. He might have never meet him but his reputation proceed him. In his opinion the man, along side with his entire famile were scams. Ofcours he would never say any of this to his face. He valued his life far to much.

To his surprise, his companion didn't seem to share his survival instincts and stay quiet. Instead Arianna casually lay her back to the bar and stared right back at him.

"What's going on? Something happened?"

Dante didn't even spear her a glare. Instead he turned to her companion, ignoring her completely. He would deal with her later, for now his priority was another.

"You know my name?"

James simply nodded his head that he knew.

"Good. Then you know who I am, so I'm only going to say this once. Get your things and walk out of the door."

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