Chapter 2 - Upside Down

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Stefano wished it was anyone else sitting in his brother's office bringing him the news he did. Maybe if this conversation had taken place anywhere else but in his office in their headquarters it would have been better, but in here he was no longer talking to his brother, he was talking to his boss and his boss was furious.

It was unnerving seeing him in this state. Dante had a reputation of never letting his true feelings known. He never screamed, he never shouted. He was always in control preferring to make his feeling known only when necessary. The glass of scotch that just shredded on the wall opposite of him only added to the terror.

Dante took few minutes to bring himself under control. It was the first time in many years that he allowed control to slip away. Every time that happened there was a catalyst. Her name was Arianna Giovanni.

Once he was certain he was back to his normal self he pick up the phone to do something he should have done a long time ago.

" Nicolai, it's time to bring her back." After a short pause to hear from the other side he talked again, "No don't call her. I think it's better if I paid a visit. Call DeLuka and let him know that I'll be visiting his territory. Also, I want to know everything there is to know about Phillip MacAllen and tell him that until I get there if the offer he made three years ago still stands to go ahead."


The first couple of days after Stefano's visit had Arianna on edge. His comment sounded more like a warning rather than a friendly wish to talk to each other soon. She knew that her time was running out and she had a choice to make.

She could stay here and wait for whatever there is to happen to happen, in the mid time keeping the promise she made herself all those years back and living her life to the fullest until it was snatched away from her.

The second option was to grab Phill and run as fast as she could going as far as possible. As much as this scenario appealed to her a bit running was never truly an option. Not when you were running from the FAMILIA.

If she wanted to be true to herself as messed up as it might be, she missed them, she missed the lifestyle and the sense of belonging. As much as she loved and admired the people she had spend the last few years with she always felt somewhat of in outsider, the one that her opinions never seemed to coexist with those of other 'normal' people. She missed her people, crazy and fucked up as they get put loyal and true to each other.

Philip in all his amazingness had picked up on her foul mood so tonight he had chosen to get her out for dinner. He had use as an excuse the ending of her quite successful exhibition. A couple of other people where invited as well. The more the merrier.

Letting go of all her worries for one night Arianna agreed to the plans. She needed a night out with people she knew just too relaxed a little bit.

They ended up in the "Diablo" a restaurant at the Central Business District. It was elegant and the atmosphere was relaxing and the food was amazing.

For the first time in days, Arianna felt free to laugh and truly enjoy her time without worry. Little did she know the good mood would not last.

It was just before ten in the evening when the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly shifted. It wasn't so much at the way the people acted, rather the small things. The way the conversations became quieter, how the people drew in together and unconsciously threw glares at the men that came in. Arianna had met them all three before. One of them she knew the best.

The men in question made their way through the restaurant never bothering to pay attention to anyone around them. Only the one in the frond turned and locked his stare with Arianna's.

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