7 Leaving

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“I’m coming for you Gail.”

Gasping for breath, I jolted back into consciousness. Cold sweat clung to my skin and the sheets felt uncomfortably sticky against my back.

It had only been two days but I was starting to get sick of All Saints, of seeing Ty’s face around every corner and at every mealtime.

I ran a hand through my hair and steadied my breathing, hoping that the voice I’d heard wasn’t real. It sounded so real and it came almost as soon as I closed my eyes – yet waking up now, it felt like I’d been sleeping for all eternity.

Was I that tired? “Probably,” I answered to myself and flexed my fingers. “She’s coming. She’s coming for me.”

The room seemed a whole lot darker than it should be for three in the morning. Grasping handfuls of sheets, I swung myself off the bed and searched the floor for my shoes, grateful that they were just under my bed somewhere. As much as I hated to admit it, I owed Melinda so much for making me who I was today. It was sickening to say the least.

I have to go, I thought silently, slipping on the clothing I wore the day I was escorted here. They were washed, not that it really mattered, and now the only clothes I had left – apart from the T-shirt and shorts I wore underneath.

My eyes darted to the outline of the doorway I spotted in the dark and then to the dim light glowing from downstairs beneath the door. I hesitated, glancing at the window to the right of the bed then contemplated quickly.

Without a second thought, I pushed up the window to create a space large enough for me to fit through. I slipped my legs out then the upper half of my body. Should I leave it open? I wondered then shook my head, the toes of my shoes pressed firmly against the rough brick walls. The window closed shut after a couple of agonising seconds and for a moment, I was grateful that the noise was smooth and quiet.

The jump from the second story was higher than average houses but it was nothing I couldn’t handle, not with the skill to heal so fast. Hearing my right ankle snap from receiving most of the impact made me cringe as I waited patiently for it to mend back together until I could stand on it again.

The next thought clouding my mind was one word: weapons. I faced the looming lands beyond the garden before me, took a brief check over my shoulder at the Manor then raced off, silent as a mouse.

Nothing relieved me more than being able to see the massive training facility several hundred metres ahead the moment I broke through the forest and towards the vast land area looming before me. It was a smart trick really, not being able to see it if I didn’t know where or what it was.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I faltered for a moment, jumping in surprise. When was the last time I was ever caught off guard? It shouldn’t have surprised me when Ty appeared before me in a blur, an impassive expression on his face.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I snapped, stepping around and started to slow down. I had time. Melinda may be coming for me, maybe not but one thing was for sure: I could never stay in the same place longer than I should. She’d find me too easily – like she said before I left.

“I’m asking you the same thing,” he replied casually, walking beside me at a nonchalant pace and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Why are you here?”

“Why are you?” A flash of purple from my knuckles indicated the bubbling energy triggered by my irritation. “I have no time for this.”

To my relief, the large ditch in the ground wasn’t covered by anything, just left wide open and displaying the choice of weapons displayed along the walls proudly. For a moment, I considered using the elevating shaft then thought otherwise, taking a jump.

Running from Melinda ~ A Blood Red Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now