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Sorry for that last hangover guys.....hahahahaha no I'm not but seriously I love y'all thanks for reading!!!!!

It's... my ex-boyfriend Tye.

"Tye, what are you doing here?" I ask, completely stunned; last I had seen him he was moving to Tennessee after his dad's work got relocated.

"I came to say that I just moved back into the state. I thought if I'm not to late we could talk about getting back together."

Tye was once my boyfriend until his dad took a job working in Tennessee. We tried to do the long distance relationship, but it didn't workout. I found out later that he was cheating on me. Then when I confronted him about it he denied it and told me that he only loves me. After that we broke up and Ross was there for me every step of the way as were my bestie's Savanna and of course Santana. Then Ross and I got together and I completely forgot about Tye. But now he's here at my door, I just want to punch him as hard as I can, but I cant, I won't.

"Tye, first you cheat on me, then you break up with me, and now you want to pretend that nothing happened at all. Im sorry but I cant do that it's just plain stupidity that you would show up at my door like this."

"Is it someone else, are you seeing someone else?"

"That's none of your business, Tye."

"So there is someone else I knew it! Please just give me another chance, please. I'm begging of you, please. I've changed."

"Oh, ya it's not like I haven't heard that one before." I yell

And just at that moment Ross drives up. He gets out and starts walking towards the door, when he sees Tye he slows his pace then he speeds up.

"What are you doing here Tye?"

"Nothing of your concern, Lynch."

"Well, you are talking to girlfriend, so it just became my concern."

"What, that's the guy you replaced me with, that stupid baboon."

"Hey, don't call him that!"

And that's when it happened, Tye turns and in one clean swipe he slaps my face. Pain races up my cheek as my body turns and my hand shoots to my red cheek.

"That's it you idiot." next thing I know Tye's on the ground with a broken nose. He scramble up and wipes his nose with his shirt and sloppily tries to punch Ross, but Ross dodges easily and gets him in the gut. Tye crouches over in pain and when he get up, whispers something I barely heard, but could defiantly not miss.

"I will get you one day when your guard is down you will fall and I will make you pay for this and for stealing my girl."

And with that he scrambles away holding his stomach. I stand there confused and in awe of what just happened when Ross comes over and takes a good look at my cheek and says,

"We should go inside and put some ice on that."

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