Love through all

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I was sitting on the porch when my boyfriend, Ross shouts, "Cameron you coming or not"?

Aw man, I totally forgot that I have a dinner date with Ross's family today. I look down at what I'm wearing, a Rolling Stones t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Ya, just let me go get something real quick", I say in a hurry.

"Sure just be quick we have a reservation at 8:00."

I look at my phone "Shoot its already 7:45."

I hurry inside and up the stairs, I fumble with the handle of my closet door and grab something real quick. I throw it on and try to find my purse, where is that damn thing. Where in the world did I put it. I look under the bed, in the closet, and in my desk. I throw my face into my hands. Crap, where did I put that damn purse.

Then I look up.

I yell, "What the hell is wrong with you Robert".

"I've been looking all over the place for that. What were you doing with my purse in the first place! Ugh, You know what, I don't have time for this"!

I snatch the purse out of his hands and run for the door.

When I get into the car I look at Ross who's just staring at me with a blank face.

"Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing", I ask wearily?"


"Ross... Ross..."

"Uh sorry, ah no... no it's you just look... beautiful".

"Well, thanks". I really hope he doesn't see me blushing, even though we are together it's kind of awkward we have been best friends since pre-k, right up until last year when he finally mustered up the courage to kiss me.

"We better get going we have ten minutes to get to the restaurant!"

"We'll, then you better step on it wonder boy." I say lightening the tension.

Love through all (ROSS LYNCH)Where stories live. Discover now