New Stories?

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Hey guys!!

I'm actually proud of myself for uploading the stories I've hadn't uploaded in ages!! I just couldn't think of any ideas for the chapters.
The reason why my stories haven't been updated for a while is because my cousin from Ireland surprised me by coming over last Saturday and I've been spending time with her but she's going home tomorrow so my stories should be back on schedule...I always say that and they don't! 😂

Anyway, I've been thinking!
I'm gonna be writing two more stories! Yes!! 2 more!! It's crazy! I already have ideas for them but need time to write down the ideas.

1st Story- A book about Mark and Amy adopting a little girl (well...not little, probably around the age of 8, maybe?) And guess what she's called??
I'm crazy over that name!!😂
So basically what's gonna happen in that story is they adopt a girl, and they already have two sons of their own but one of the sons doesn't like Moana. So...yah!

2nd Story-  So I've already done Septiishu Life and Amyplier Life, I thought it would be fair to do a Melix Life! So I announced this a while ago so you should already know that Felix and Marzia have a daughter and call her Leticia!

So let me know what you think about the two stories. I'll let you know when I upload them. The one about Mark and Amy adopting a girl should be first. ☺️

So bye! Luv ya!!!❤️❤️❤️

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