I Miss Her...

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Mark's POV
I went straight into Azie's playroom to see her playing in her ball pit. But she looked sad. She had her stuff bunny tight to her chest and she was throwing the balls with one hand from one end to the other. I slowly went over and crouched down to her size.
"Hey, baby girl." I say softly.
She kept her head turned away from me. I sigh.
"I'm sorry, sweetie." I say, reaching for her hand that held her bunny, but she moves hand away from me.
"I shouldn't of taken your bunny away. I know how much that means to you, especially after Mummy went to Heaven." I said.
She turns to me.
"When is Mummy coming back?" She asked.
This made my heart drop. How can I explain to her that Sasha isn't coming back? She's only 3. She doesn't understand why Sasha went. I held back tears and replied to her,
"She'll be back soon, babe." I say.
She sniffs.
"But she's been gone for ages!" She says.
"I know baby girl. But she's busy. That's why she can't come home." I say.
I hold my arms out to her. She stands up and snuggles into my chest. I rocked her back and forth.
"I know what will make you smile!" I say.
She looks at me.
"How about...we go to the park?" I say.
She nods her head excitedly and runs up and gets her shoes on. I laugh and me and Amy followed her.

After spending about two hours at the park, we finally arrive home. I run Azie a bath while she played in her room and called her in when it was finished. I bathed her and got her dressed. I lift her off the bathroom counter and she runs towards the door, only to stop and turn around. I bent down and held up her stuff bunny.
"Forgetting something?" I say smiling.
She giggles and runs up to me and takes her bunny and runs out the room.

Azie's POV
I ran towards Daddy's room and chucked my bunny onto the bed and pulled myself on too. Before I could get under the covers, daddy comes running in.
"No baby girl. Not tonight." He says and picks me up.
I was confused. What was he talking about. He takes me out of his room and makes his way towards mine. I knew what he was doing.
"No!" I say trying to get his grip off me.
"Yes baby girl. You have to sleep in your bed." He says.
I start to cry and kick at him.
"Hey,hey! Don't start now." Daddy says.
He brings me into my room and places me down on my bed and covers me up. I was still fighting at this point.
"Come on Princess! Calm down now and go to sleep." Daddy says as he starts to stroke my cheek.
"No!" I say pulling myself up only to be pushed back down again by daddy.
He continued stroking my cheek.
"Shhh..." He says.
I continued to cry, but slowly starting to stop.
I could feel myself starting to drift off. And soon, I was asleep.

I woke up during the night. I was lonely in my own bed. I wanted to be in daddy's bed like I've always had been. Why did daddy do this? I get out of bed and opened my door. Everything was silent. I walked silently down the hallway until I reached daddy's bedroom door. I slowly opened it and looked in. I couldn't see very well since it was dark but I could see the outline of Chica lying in her bed beside daddy's bed. I could see daddy lying figure in his bed. I walked closer and...there was another figure. On the other side of the bed.
No way! It wasn't the fact that daddy had his arm around her that broke my little heart, it was when I realised Amy was sleeping on Mummy's side of the bed. Tears filled my eyes. She shouldn't be sleeping on that side! Never mind the bed! I walked backwards to make my way out, but I bumped into the dresser which knocked a few things off. This made daddy and Amy stir and I ran out the room. I faintly hear the sounds of the covers moving and feet stepping on to the ground. I ran into my room, shutting the door behind me and jumped into bed and closed my eyes.
A few seconds later, I hear my door open. I breathed heavily so daddy thought I was asleep. I hear him come towards me and crouched down. He strokes my cheek and kisses it. He stands back up and walks out, closing my door. I opened my eyes. I couldn't get the image out of my head. That was mummy's side of bed, and she was lying on that side.
I hate her! I hate her! She's making daddy forget about mummy! I will NOT let that happen! I thought about mummy. Where is she? I know that Heaven is a place where people go, but when is she coming back? I miss her so much! The way she cuddles and kissed me! When she sang lullabies to me at night and read me stories. I just want her back and get everything back to normal.
Amy was ruining that!

Mummy, I want you to come home!
Mummy, where are you?

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