Chapter 26 - Danger

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Nick hears a lurker, Clem and him turn around. Both of their eyes went wide.

Rebecca was a lurker, she turned.

Clementine shoots Rebecca in the head.

“No!” Nick and Luke said at the same time.

Gunshots go off and everything goes black.


Nick slowly opened his eyes, he was laying on the ground. He was shot in the shoulder.

He could only hear his breathing and heart beat.

He looks around, everyone was shooting at each other.

Nick sees Arvo trying to help a woman, his sister. Mike gets shot in the shoulder too.

“Shit, I'm hit!”

“Mike, get over here!”

He also sees Luke shooting from behind the wall and Kenny is behind a tree.

“Fuck you! You started this shit!”

Nick looks to his side and sees Clementine on the ground, she looks alright.

Her eyes are wide and he sees her start to crawl to the baby.

She grabs the baby and starts to run. He runs with her, they both are behind the wall now.

Luke was there.

“Holy shit, I didn't even see him out there. Good work, Clem.”

Luke starts shooting again and then, gets down.

“Shit, we gotta do somethin’ ya’ll. We’re pinned down here.”

Clementine was still checking on the baby.

“Luke, stay down!” Nick said

“Nick, I can't do that, I gotta do something.”

Kenny was still shooting at one guy.

“This don't have to get any worse than it already is! You can just go!” He said

The guy was speaking russian again.

“English, motherfucker!”

“I kill every one of you!” the guy said as he starts shooting again.

The baby is crying as Nick tries to shoot at the guy.

Before Nick could say another thing to Luke.

Luke gets up and starts shooting.

“Hey, what’re you…”

“Luke!” Nick said

“Luke, no!”

The other guy aimed his gun at Nick but, he was killed by Kenny before he could shoot Nick.

Nick smiled at Kenny and then, got down.

Thank you, Kenny.

When Luke got shot and fell, he landed right beside Nick.

Nick gave Luke an angry glare.

“I told you to stay down.” He said

Luke didn't say anything, he only frowned.

Nick rolled his eyes and looked up again.

Kenny grabbed Arvo and put a gun to his head.

“You get out here or I will put a bullet in this kid’s head!”

Clementine looked up “Kenny, what are you doing!?” She asked

“I'm ending this…” he said

Arvo tried to struggle out of Kenny's grip.

“Get out here! Right fuckin’ now!”

Arvo's sister turned into a lurker and was coming towards them. Clementine was in front of Nick.

It was about to grab Clem until Nick shot the lurker in the head, it fell to the ground, it was dead.

“No!” Arvo said

He got out of Kenny's grip and ran to his lifeless sister’s body.


Arvo looked up and gave Clementine a death glare.

Nick gave a death glare back but, Arvo didn't seem to notice. He looked back down at his dead sister, he was crying.

Nick saw the last guy get up and aim his gun at Kenny.

Nick shot the guy in the chest before he could shoot Kenny.

The guy grabbed his chest and fell to his knees.

Kenny got up and shot him in the head.

The baby was still crying.

“It's safe to come out.”

“Here...I got him.”

Bonnie takes the baby from Clementine’s arms.

Kenny picks up the dead guy’s gun and he walks toward the others.

“That was uh...that was intense…”

“I, I thought that was it.”

“It was for these assholes.”


Nick and Clem walked towards Rebecca's lifeless body.

“How did this happen?” Mike asked

“She...turned. Just like that.” Luke said

“Clem spotted it first...did what she had to do to protect the child.”

“This isn't your fault, okay? She just...she just loss too much blood. It ain't nobody's fault.”

“You saved the boy’s life.”

Clementine looked at Rebecca's dead body with a sad look on her face.

“She would’ve been a good mom.” She said

“Yeah, she would have.”

“Don't worry, Bec...we'll take care of your rest easy.”


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