Chapter 16 - The Plan

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“Come on, let's get back to your friends.”

They get back to Parker's run.  Bonnie is helping Rebecca, Mike is standing near us, and Kenny is nowhere to be seen.

Great, where did he go?

Mike turns around “son of a bitch.” He smiles “you found them!”

“Yeah, I'm a little amazed myself, to tell you the truth. If it weren't for Clem, Nick, and Jane, well I don't know what would’ve happened.”

Rebecca and Bonnie walk up to them.

“I’m so glad you guys are safe.”

Sarah walks up to Rebecca.


Sarah looks down and starts to walk away.

“It's okay sweetie, when you're ready, we will talk.”

Sarah slowly nods her head and goes to sit, alone.

Nick decides to give Sarah some space.

Bonnie walks up to Nick and Clementine.

“Can I talk to you guys for a minute?”

“Sure, Bonnie.”

They walk away from the others for a second.

“I ain't gonna sugarcoat this. That baby’s coming even faster than Rebecca's letting on. I was hoping you might know...does Luke know anything about babies?”

“No he doesn't, sorry Bonnie. And I don't know anything either.” Nick said

“Kenny had a family, he could help.”

Clementine looks around “where is he?”

Bonnie gets a sad look on her face and she turns around, she looks at a tent.

“He went in there after you guys left. Said he needed a minute by himself. And I ain't seen him since…”

“I'II go in there.” Clementine said

“Should I come?” Nick asked

“No, it's fine I can do this alone.”


Clementine walks over and goes inside the tent.

-A few minutes later -

Nick was leaning against the wall and waiting.

Clementine came out of the tent with Kenny.

She smiled and walked over to Nick.


“He apologized to me.” Clementine said


Clementine nods her head.

“Oh shit, does that mean what I think it does?” Luke said

Nick and Clementine look over at Rebecca, Kenny was by her.

“Are you okay? How does it feel?”

“It feels wet, that's how it feels!”

Nick and Clementine walk over to the others.

“What's going on?”

“Rebecca's water broke!”

“What do we do?”

“Kenny, I think the baby's coming. What do we do?”

“All right...gimme a sec.”

“No way can Rebecca travel like this.”

“He’s right.”

“What do we do first, Kenny?”

Kenny was quiet for a few seconds.

“Kenny, come on, you gotta focus.”

“Right, sorry. Clean water for one thing and blankets.”

“And we gotta get outta this damn cold too.”

“That map shows a couple of buildings nearby. Maybe one of them could do the trick?”

“The museum seems like it could be a good start, I’II go.”

“Good idea, Mike, think you could go with her?”

“Sure thing.”

“I’II check the building by the river.”

“Okay then, Kenny, you stick by Rebecca and I will check the perimeter for walkers.”


Clementine turns around and sees Bonnie. She walks over to her and they start talking.

Nick couldn't hear what they were saying.


“What is it, Luke?”

“Can you check on Sarah, see if she's okay?”

Nick looks at Sarah, she was still sitting, alone.



Nick nods his head and he sees Clementine run in the direction Jane went.

“Where is Clementine going?” He asked

“She is going to help Jane.” Bonnie said


Luke looks at everyone “ok, we’re looking for warm blankets, clean water, disinfectant…”

Kenny looks at Rebecca “don't worry, everything's going to be fine.”

“Alright everyone, you know what to do. Let's be fast and let's be careful.”

After that, Luke goes to check the perimeter, Mike and Bonnie goes to check the museum. Clementine and Jane are already gone. And Kenny is with Rebecca.

Nick is going to talk to Sarah and see if she’s okay.

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