Chapter 21 - Tension

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They were almost back to the others.

Clementine was walking ahead.

Nick was lost in thought.

He didn't want to think about Sarah, this made him sad. So, he tried to think about something else.

He was thinking about Jane, all she said.

“You should know that finding your friends, that's a shot in the dark.”

Nick became angry after hearing this.

“You're wrong, they are going to be fine and we are going to find them.” he said


“How much help is Kenny gonna be? What he’s going through...he’s more of a liability than anything. And Rebecca's situation is not making things better back there.”

“Don't talk about them like that.” Nick said under his breath.


“Nick, leave her! Don't let her drag you down too!”

These thoughts were making Nick angry.

He was going to talk to her when they got back.


They got back and Jane was standing there.

“Hey you guys...I told everyone what happened to Sarah and where you went.”

Clem nods her head.

Nick had an angry look on his face as he looked at Jane.

“Jane, can we talk for a minute?” He asked


They walked a little bit away from the group, Clementine followed behind them.

Nick stopped walking, Jane and Clementine stopped walking too.

Nick looked at Jane, still angry.

“What is it?”

“'What is it?’ I’II tell you, you have been talking about my friends, calling them 'liabilities’. Sarah just died…”

He walked closer to her and got in her face.

“And you don't care!”

Jane rolled her eyes and turned around. She started to walk away, this made Nick more angry.

Nick grabs Jane's arm.

“They are not liabilities so, stop calling them that! You have called Kenny, Rebecca and now Sarah a liability when they are not! This is probably why you were alone because you treat people like this! They're not useless!”

Nick let's go of Jane’s arm and he starts to walk away.

“Nick, wait.” Clementine said

Nick keeps walking.

He looks behind him, he sees Jane with her arms crossed and Clem with a sad, worried look on her face.

He keeps on walking.

He didn't mean to make Clem sad or worried but he just needs to get away, he has to think.


-A few minutes later -

He comes back after walking and thinking.

He walks up the stairs, he was so sleepy and exhausted from everything. He sees everyone asleep and smiles.

Nick lays down on the ground and closes his eyes, he fells asleep too.

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