Chapter 15 - You're Not Alone

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“Then, try something else!”

Nick moved Clementine out of the way and he kicked the door. He kicked it another time and it opened.

They all run inside the trailer.

“Help me block this, hurry!”

Nick helped Jane push the furniture over the door.

“Sarah, please…who’s out there?”

“Luke!” Nick said


Luke came out of the room and he walked over to them.

“Oh, thank god.”

Luke hugged Nick and he smiled.

They stopped hugging and then, Nick got worried.

“Where's Sarah?” He asked

“I...I don't know what to do about her.”

“What's the matter?”

“You gotta help.”

They all walk into the room. Nick saw Sarah, sitting down with her arms wrapped around her legs.

“Sarah, look. It's Clem and Nick. See? It's just like I told you, they're okay.”

She looks up at them but, she looks down again.

Nick gave Sarah a sad look and he leaned against the wall.

“Maybe I can talk to her?” Clementine asked

Clem sits in front of Sarah and starts to talk to her.

While Clementine was talking to Sarah, Nick couldn't stop thinking.

“Shh...Sarah... it's okay... we're gonna be…” Nick started to say but, a gunshot interrupted him.

Nick looked and saw that Carlos was bleeding from his neck. Lurkers were coming towards him. Nick killed them with his survival knife but, it was no use.

More lurkers attacked him and started biting him. Sarah was starting to scream.


Nick looked at Sarah, she was so sad and afraid.


Clementine had a sad look on her face.

“You can be strong too, Sarah.”

“I wish that was true.”

Nick walks towards her and sat in front of her.


She looked up at Nick, he smiled at her.

“It's's gonna be're not alone...we’re here for you.”

Sarah started to cry.

“'s okay…” Nick said

A lurker was near the window.

“Crap, we’re surrounded.”

Clementine gave Sarah her glasses and she put them on.

They had to get out of here.

They looked around but, couldn't find anything to help them reach the skylight.

“What about this?” Nick asked pointing to the furniture.

“Yeah, that could work.” Jane said

Nick and Luke pushed the furniture into the room and over the skylight as Jane holds the door closed.

Nick helps Luke, he lifts him and he gets on the roof.

“Come on, Clem.” He said

She gets on the furniture and he lifts her up, Luke grabs her hands. He pulled her up and she is on the roof now too.


She was still sitting on the ground.

Nick got off the furniture and walked towards her.

“Sarah, it's okay...come on.”

He grabs her hands and slowly pulls her up.

She gets on the furniture and so does Nick.

Jane runs into the room and closes the door.

Nick quickly lifts Sarah and Luke grabs her.

“Come on, Jane!” Nick said

Luke pulls Nick up and when he is on the roof, he reaches down for Jane.

She is on the furniture, Nick and Luke pull her up onto the roof.

Nick looks down and sees a lot of lurkers in the room.

Holy shit...

They get off the roof and walk back into the woods.


They were walking into the woods. Nick was walking by Sarah. Luke was in front of them. Clementine and Jane were walking and talking. Nick could hear what they were saying.

“What happened in there? When we were in there you were ready to help, but then... something changed.”

“Look, I’d just...I’d seen that kind of thing before I just didn't want to stick around for the bitter end.”

Jane turned around and looked at Sarah.

She turned back around “Look just because you save her doesn't mean...”

“What did you mean?”

“She’s broken, she can't be saved.”

Nick got angry but, he calmed down because he didn't want to scare Sarah.

He looked down at her, she had been quiet for a while but, he couldn't blame her.

“Come on, let's get back to your friends.”

Twdg Fanfiction - Second ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora