Chapter 11 - Escape

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Clementine has put on the PA system and the others were in the storage room but, Carver was there and he had a gun on them.

Their weapons are on the ground.

Nick saw Clementine from the corner of his eye.

While Carver was talking, Clementine jumped down on him. Kenny punched him and Luke took away his gun.

“Get back.”

Everyone picked up their weapons.

“Come on Luke, this ain't none of your business.”

“Clem, where...why isn't Alvin with you? Where is he?”

Nick had a sad look on his face.

“Alvin…” Rebecca said

“Rebecca, I am...oh god, I am so sorry.”

She got really angry “kill him.”

Luke was shocked.

“Shoot him.” Rebecca said

“Just shoot him.” Clementine said

Nick shot Carver in the leg and Kenny shot Carver's other leg. He was on the ground now.

Everything was silent but Kenny's footsteps.

Kenny walked over and grabbed a crowbar.

“Go now and wait outside.”

“We have to go.”

“Kenny, please.”

Everyone started to leave until it was only Kenny, Nick, Clementine, and Rebecca still there.

“I only need a minute, go on, you don't need to see this.”

Nick wanted to stay but then, he looked at Clementine. He walked towards her and they both walk out of there.


Nick helps Clementine down, you can still hear what's happening inside. Carlos was covering Sarah's ears.

A few seconds later, we see Kenny and Rebecca come out, Luke helped Rebecca down.

There was lurkers everywhere.

Nick sighs and looks into the herd of walkers.

“Shit, I thought they were coming from the south.”

“They did...looks like we're in the eye of it now.”

“Fuck...this is fucked…”

Luke gives Clementine a hatchet “here you’re gonna need somethin’.”

Luke also gives Nick a survival knife “here, Nick.”

“Thanks...where did you find it?”

“In the storage room.”

Nick nods his head.

A lurker walks towards Clementine and she takes it down. Luke took down another one.

Jane opens up a lurker with her knife and Clementine looks behind her.

There is gunshots going off.

“You guys better hurry up and get to smearing if you wanna live or you can die here...doesn't matter to me.”

Clementine opens up another lurker with her hatchet.

“Do it quick, we need to get covered before the rest of them get close or we're fucked.”

“This isn't gonna work.” Rebecca said in a panicked voice.

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