Chapter 6 - We Need To Leave

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Nick was walking around, thinking

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Nick was walking around, thinking.

Carver is going to come here and he needs to get everyone out of here.

Maybe he can talk to Luke.

He can convince Luke and then, he can say we need to leave. They will listen to Luke.

If I can't get them out of here then, Walter and Alvin will die.


Nick was walking upstairs and he could hear people talking. It was Rebecca, Alvin, and Carlos.

“It’s crazy, why would they follow us this far?”

“We can't be sure.”

Nick was leaning against the railing, he saw Clementine walk up the stairs too.

She was standing by Carlos. And Nick was looking down but, he was still listening.

“It's been a week man, we gonna be outta the woods.”

“We can't be sure, they could be tracking us.”

“Tracking? Who do you think they are... ninjas?”

Nick looked up “we are not safe here…”

Everyone looked at Nick now.

“They could come here right now.” he said

“Clem, what did you see?” Rebecca asked

“I saw lights.”

“Which way did they go?”

“Back into the woods.”

“We can't take any chances, we leave at dawn.”

Nick got up off the railing and walk closer to them “no, we need to leave…”

Carlos sighed and Alvin shaked his head.

“Nick, we’re stayin’ here tonight.” Alvin said

“Fine, whatever…” he said

He starts to walk down stairs.

Damnit, why would they listen?

“Well everyone, dinner is served, Let's eat.”

I will talk to Luke after dinner.

Nick goes over to the table and sits across from Luke.

Clementine walks over and sits next to him.

He smiled at her and she smiles back.


Kenny had come over and saw next to Luke, he started talking to us.

“So it's Luke...and Nick...Luke and Nick, you two do look like a match…”

Luke gave him a death glare and Nick just rolled his eyes.

Same old Kenny, still an asshole.

“I mean, you look like good friends that's all.”

“What are you thinking, holding up here for the winter.”

“Actually no, we were thinking of moving on, somewhere up ever heard of a place called Wellington?”

“Wellington? The hell is that?”

“A place.”

“Yea, Christa and I were going there.”

Kenny smiled “It supposed to be a big camp, up near Michigan.”

“It's sounds like bullshit.”

“Listen, if you have a problem then, you can just take off in the morning!”

“That would be just fine by me!”

“What's the deal with these guys, Clem!”

“Hey fuck you buddy!”

“Please stop fighting!”

After hearing this, Nick stopped and looked down.

“Pass me that can, duck.”

Kenny gasped and looked down with a sad look on his face.

“Duck? Who's duck?”

“Duck was his son.”

Luke looked down with a frown.

“Clementine, can you come and help me with something?” Walter asked

Clementine nods her head and looked at Kenny for a second. Then, she got up and followed Walter.


After Walter and Clementine went outside, Nick pulled Luke aside.

“Luke, I need to talk to you.”

“What is it, man?” Luke asked with a worried look.

“We need to get out of here.”


“Clementine saw those lights...Carver could come here...we are not safe here.”

“Clementine said that the lights went back into the woods.”

“That doesn't mean doesn't mean he is not coming…”

“Nick stop...we are safe here for the night.”

“No, we are not! Damnit why won't you listen to me!”

“Nick, calm down…”

“Don't tell me to calm down! Why won't you listen to me for once! He is going to come and people are going to die!”

Nick looked at Luke with darkened, angry eyes.


“Is there a problem here, gentleman?” Walter asked

Before anyone could say something, they all heard a noise.

The wind turbine


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