Pretty Please?

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Pretty Please?


So I'm on my wattpad right now. And my friends, Faith and Amelia, are hanging out at my house, looking up Hermione Granger with blonde hair. Weird! But I love them.

Faith is one heck of a girl. She sings, plays piano and ukulele, and is amazing at suprising someone with one word.

She once described me with two words and I had no idea what they meant, but it was still awesome

Distinct Individual

That's what she called me. Faith's mind wonders in every place, but she knows where to go to stay on the right side of the fence. She loves making people laugh and definitely does not care what people think of her.

Now for Amelia, you can describe her as extremely sporty, smart, and amazing at makeup. You can ask her any question about school and she could answer it. Most of the time anyways.

Amelia knows more words then the Oxford Dictionary.

It's crazy. But she's not one of those nerdy girls, she's just really stubborn and can always win a fight.

She plays some piano, she plays guitar, writes lyrics and sings, and most importantly, she knows how to regurgitate.

I know, it's weird but-

I get interrupted from writing in my journal by loud high pitched squeal in the kitchen.

"Sisssyyyyy!" Bella shouts, I hear her her tiny toes patting against the wooden floor, coming closer and closer to where I was laying down. Her bright blonde pig tails bounce up and down. She jams into me and tugs on my sleeve, beckoning for me to come over.

I groan. Bella, you owe me big time. That little six year old mind can take and break whatever she looks at. I set down my apple laptop on top of Amelia, which causes her to do a small gasp.

She looks up at me from her phone. Apparently she didn't notice Bella coming into the room,"Oh, what? Ok, where ya goin' there Am?"

"I'll be right back," I let out in one big sigh and start getting pulled strongly to the kitchen. I pause and take a step back," And don't you dare, go on my laptop. Faith, you too."

"Yes, ma'am!" They salute me and turn their heads back to their phones.

Amelia and Faith know that Bella is a handful. They've known me for about six years now and have put up with me for that long too.

"Wait!" Faith shouts. I turn back around and raise my eyebrows for her to continue,"Since your up...Do you think..." She pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes. Bella gives me one big yank, almost knocking my arm out if it's socket. I give one careful glare to her and she holds still.

I already know what Faith wants. One word.


Ruffles, ruffles, where art thou ruffles. Those lovely, salty, crunchy chips satisfying your hunger.

"Fine." I let out smiling.

Trudging my way towards the kitchen, Bella skips off in the opposite direction, giggling before I could ask what had happened.

I wish I hadn't stepped into the light blue walled kitchen. A big carton of apple juice is sprayed across the wood floor. Apple juice is dripping off the counter and creating a puddle on the ground.

I can see Bella tried to clean it up because of the scrunched up towels littered across the floor and the paper towels soaked with the juice.

I let out a frustrating groan,"Bellllaa!"

Might as well clean it up before dad comes home. Getting on my knees, I start swiping the towels on the ground, trying to collect as much juice as I can. After doing a couple finishing swipes, the floor is left sticky and tinted yellow.

"Amelia? Will you come in here for a sec?" I shout to her, hoping she will help me clean this mess up. She is so much better at cleaning than Faith and I are. I couldn't clean to save my life.

"What?!" She yells back, I can hear her munching on the left over popcorn kernels. I'm surprised her teeth haven't fallen out yet. Or at least cracked.

"I said, get your ass over here!" I yell back tucking my dark blonde hair behind my ear.

"Where are your manners, Amber!?"

Faith interrupts with hope in her voice," Did you get my ruffles yet?!"

"Ugghh!" I mutter to myself.

I shout back louder and say," No, faith and pretty please Amelia!?"

I bite my lip, waiting for her answer. Her answer was not what I was expecting to hear. Well...maybe it was, but still, can she not help her friend in need?

"Sorry! Your not getting my help young lady!" Her voice shouts in a sing song way.

I kick the apple juice carton through the open window above the sink in anger. Why? I can't clean! My father never tells me to do the chores! Which I am very thankful for, nobody likes cleaning toilets. I run my hands through my hair in frustration. How I hate that girl.

After a few seconds, I compose my self and head outside to pick up the carton. I can't just leave it there and liter our nice yard!


I take that back.

As I look around, old branches are lying on the dead brown grass. Flowers have died, and wrinkled around the white picket fence and old rusty kids toys are scattered around the yard.

"Wow," I breathe out, taken back by the suprise. When was the last time I went outside?

My father was right, I do need to get out more. But what is there for me to do? I don't have a boyfriend, not a whole lot of motivated friends either.

Only my four main homies, Amelia, Faith, Rachel, and Tyler.

Rachel and Tyler were supposed to come over today too, but they said they had "plans".

No, they aren't dating, all five of us made a oath that we would never date or have a friends with benifits deal which worked out pretty well because Tyler was the only boy.

And we stuck by it, so far we hadn't had any troubles.

I step over into Bella's sand pit and look around for the carton. How did I kick it that far away? I suck at sports, how is this possible?

Placing my hands on my hips, I turn in circles looking for that darn thing.


I abruptly stop, with my back turned to the voice behind me. The voice I hadn't want to hear ever again. He is the last person and I mean the last person I would ever won't to talk to. With his pitch black hair and bright hazel eyes, every girl drools over him. Literally.

I slowly turn around on my heel, mustering up the biggest glare I could. If looks could kill.

"Hey, Am,"He chuckles and holds up the apple juice carton,"Looking for this?"


Hey guysss..... o.0

Haha, anyways, hope you enjoyed my first chapter!

Sorry, it's kind of short...Sorry.

I promise things will pick up more in the second chapter because I have a lot of ideas flowing out of my ears.

Literally. :D

Any advice and questions, I would love to see them! :*


Mango flamingos and orange pineapples,

;I L A K E S O R;

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