The Truth We've All Been Wating For

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Rose: Ow! Cupcake, you stepped on my hoof with your heel!

Cupcake: Sorry...geez....

Serenity: Shhh! Less chit-chat more waltz! Now dip me Spock!

Rose: I don't get why you got Spock!

Spock: Twilight chose partners! Also stop fluttering Serenity!

Serenity: Hey, I usually don't dance!

Spock: At least you're good!

Cupcake: Quiet! Twilight is watching! Also she said that we might be doing the grand waltz if all else fails!

(Twilight glared from afar)

Rose: So while we wait, we practice?

Spock: Yep.

Twilight: Guys, let's go!

(Twilight's friends and the group went in the hot air balloon)

Pinkie : Wow, I see so many ponies!

Rose: We just left. That's Ponyville!

Pinkie: Hi Derpy!

(They arrive in Canterlot)

Rarity: Ooooooo.....he looks handsome.....

Rose: I also think that someone looks handsome.....

Cupcake: SO DO I!

Serenity: Well we have until the beggining of sundown till the ball...let's make the best of it!

(Spock and Cupcake went to go get froyo-a date?- while Serenity and Rose went to look at jewelry)

(Let's look at Cupcake and Spock shall we? We shall!)

(Yes its a get ready for the cringe)

Cupcake: Hmm..let's share a smoothie so we can save!

Spock: Okay!


(After the smoothie, Spock and Cupcake waited for the fireworks to show that Hans is at Canterlot)

Cupcake: Um...Spock..

Spock: Yes?

Cupcake: Have you noticed that Rose acts strange around you?

Spock: don't know?!

Cupcake: (Heart stops) Heard what?

Spock: Well..(looks around) Rose said she liked me....

(Cupcake is sorta relived... But she has to ask the question)

Cupcake: you like her?

Spock: the start....yes.

(Cupcake breaks in a silent cold sweat)

Cupcake: Then?

Spock: Then she started getting annoying... then I started liking someone else.

Cupcake: Who?

Spock: You....

(Suddenly cool fireworks erupt in front of them!)

(BTW imagine that Spock and Cupcake look like black things and we are behind them while the sun is setting and fireworks are exploding)

(Suddenly, Spock smogs Cupcake)

*Aka kiss

(Now...picture the book Where's Waldo...except its Where's Rose in high heels....)

(Oh! I found her....she is behind a rock watching them! Um..she's not happy...she's glaring... And sticking out her tongue..... And now she ran away crying..)

(Oh dear....)

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