Here comes Serenity Snow!

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*Btw the me going through portal is super fast because I don't like repeating stuff! So it might be a little confusing!

Alexa: I have to get to Lujayn!

(Alexa runs to the scientist place early)

Alexa: Huh? Its open!

(Alexa rushes to the place Rocke- ahem Lujayn last was- the isle!)

(Alexa goes to the room where the portal was and-)

Alexa: Aha! Here it is I can't believe the portal is still here!

(Alexa rushes to the portal and jumps in and it turns black... and she feels like she wants to vomit)

Stranger: Serenity!

Alexa: I'm not Serenity and I'm looking for my friend!

Stranger: Serenity I don't have time for this we have to get to Chanterlot!

Alexa: Why?

Stranger: Serenity my name is Rose! Wait did you lie about your name then? For 18 years?

Alexa:No! No.

Rose: Twilight of Ponyville found a strange pony.... called Cupcake!

Serenity: Wait strange?

Rose: Yes just yesterday! We have to go now!

(Serenity looks around and sees she woke up at a station with a train about to leave)

Serenity: I call isle seat!


(Serenity and Rose go in the train)

Serenity: I have to go to the bathroom!

Rose: You don't have to tell me you have the isle seat!

Serenity: Oh oops sorry!

(As Serenity leaves the bathroom she notices herself in the mirror)

(She quickly realizes that shes a Crystal Pony because of the description Lujayn gave) * By the way, crystal ponies are kinda see through, shiny and pretty!

(Serenity has blue feet that fades into a white! She has the same color wings and she has light purple eyes with pretty eyelashes! She has cloud looking hair that is a toothpaste pattern that looks like her blue and white! In her hair is a gold ribbon or belt? And she has a spiral tail that matches her hair, blue and white with a gold! * By the way, I took this from a picture online, its by JaDeDJynX if you wanna see it and its very pretty!)

(Soon, they get of at Chanterlot!)

Rose: Wow there is a large crowd!

Guard: Everyone come to the royal ball room!

(Serenity and Rose push and shove to get there)

Guard: Princess Celestia has something to say!

Celestia: Yesterday something wonderful happened! Princess Twilight brought to me something wonderful...Cupcake!

(Murmurs fill the crowd)

Celestia: Today, Cupcake will not only be Cupcake, She shall now be Princess Cupcake for now on!

Serenity: Wait, Lujayn always wanted to be an alicorn..... And have the name Cupcake as her name!

(Cheers and claps form in the crowd!)

(Cupcake puts on the crown and starts saying a speech)

Princess Cupcake: Thank you! Now I have to say a few thank you to one other person! My friend! She helped me get here just by working with me!

(Btw Alexa had helped Lujayn be a scientist so without her working with her she wouldn't be a scientist and wouldn't have built the portal!)

Cupcake: I would also declare my assistant.... Spock!

(Cheers erupt while Spock comes up and shakes Cupcake's hand)

(After that, Cupcake sat at a table and said hi to all the ponies who wanted to congratulate her.)

Cupcake: (thinks) Wow not a single person is sad!(Sees Serenity sad) maybe not.

Cupcake: Hey! Blue hair pony!

Serenity: Yes?

Cupcake: Are you all right?

Serenity: No. (Walks away)

(Ponies try to help her)

Cupcake: I'll help! (Runs to Serenity) Do you want to talk alone?

(Serenity nods and the two go in a shop)

Serenity: it I! Alexa!

Cupcake: Girl wat!

Serenity: So like I'm supposed to bring you back to the human world and stuff....

Cupcake: Well I don't wanna go!

Serenity: Me nether!

Cupcake: Well that settles it! You should go home!

Serenity: But I don't want to!

Cupcake: Well you should! And I'm the princess so you should!

Serenity: You have changed! Now you have long purple hair, and gold armor with green gems! And suddenly just because you are princess, you get to boss everyone around!

Cupcake: Well.....go before I kick you out!

(Wind starts coming in)


(Sirens start come on)

Guard: Princess you have to go!

(Serenity, Cupcake, and the guard go out.....only to see great darkness and a hissing creature!)

????: I aM HaNS, Th3 SpiD3R!

?????: f3aR mE!

Cupcake: Alexa, Serenity, whatever help me!

But Serenity was gone.

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