The Name

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Serenity: Wake up NOW!

Cupcake: Wha-what time is it?

Serenity: It's one in the morning!


Serenity: No, YOU are going to be late!

(Cupcake looks at Serenity and realizes her hair was put in a braid and her makeup was done)

(Spock's head appears)

Spock: Hey sleepyhead!

Cupcake: I hate you two.

Rose: (In the hallway) Make that three!

Cupcake: Rose come here!

(Roses hair was in a perfect is a pic!)

Cupcake: Does everything have to look like a flower?

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Cupcake: Does everything have to look like a flower?

Rose: Nope.....and did you just call me in so you can criticize me?

Cupcake: Yep.

Spock: you guys like my hair?

Serenity: Looks the same. Just less poofy.

Cupcake: Shut up he looks perfect!

Rose: Daring it looks wonderful!

Serenity: Well it's my opinion!

Rose: No one cares about your opinion right now sugar!

Spock: Thanks Cupcake!

Cupcake: No problemo *amor!

(*Amor- Spanish- means love- yep, Cupcake just called him her love...unfortunately Spock doesn't know Spanish....even more unfortunately Rose does!)

Rose: *Te odio loca señora. Desde el fondo de mi corazón.

(Rose said: I hate you crazy lady. From the bottom of my heart)

Spock: What?

Rose: Nothin' hehe.

Cupcake: When do we go?

Serenity: In an hour or two.

Cupcake: What! I have to take a shower, get makeup and hair done, get the dresses-

Serenity: Wait, you don't have the dresses?!!

Rose: Everyone calm down! Spock stay here while me and Serenity go get the dresses!

Cupcake: Kk!


Rose: Rarity its me, Rose!

Rarity: Come in! I have your dresses!

(Rose goes and sees the dresses and Serenity's eyes widen)

Serenity: They're....

Rose: Wonderful! You are a miracle worker!

(Suddenly, Pinkie rushes in)

Pinkie: Guess what!?! Twilight said I could name the Ball, so guess what I named it?!?!

(Doesn't even wait for response)

Pinkie: The Cake!

Rarity, Serenity, Rose: What?!?

The Pony Adventure Of a Life Time.... FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now