Did I Mention Someone?

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(When Cupcake came back to where Spock and Serenity we're sleeping.....Rose was fast asleep on a corner, then she woke up when she heard Cupcake's hooves)

Rose: I woke up Spock..... I told him you, Cupcake, left him in the dust!

Cupcake: Well I'm here now! And it's 8 in the morning! Let's patch up before Spock realizes you're bleeding!

Rose: Also did you know Spock is sick?

Spock: (Mumbling) Water.....

Cupcake: I got you Spock!

(Cupcake gives water to Spock )

(Spock stands up)

Spock:Cupcake you're back!

Cupcake: I wouldn't leave you! Pony promise!

Serenity: Mew....Mew.....Be the cat......

Serenity: Aha! Mouse!

(Serenity goes and finds a mouse.....)

Serenity: Did I miss something! Whew I feel......Dizzy.....

(Serenity collapses)   

Rose: BFF!

Spock: Rose, you do take care of Serenity! Cupcake can take care of me!

(Rose secretly glares atCupcake.....andCupcake winks at her~)

Cupcake: Let's get you to the nearest doctor! 

Rose: Do you think Serenity can guide us?


Serenity: Cough

Spock: Just let her try! Maybe she just needs a little push!


(Serenity weakly gets her map out....and says go left, right, ext)

(Finally, somehow Serenity was able to get to a .....sorta hospital)

Rose: This tiny shack is our hospital! We are never gonna fit in here! It's so...... dirty.

 Serenity: Stop whin.....ZZZZzzzzzZZZ

Cupcake: She must have been tired.

Rose: (Sarcastically) Oh! I thought she was WIDE AWAKE!

Cupcake: Shut up girl!

Rose: Hmph.

(Panting, Spock comes finally)

Rose: You took sooo-

(Cupcake smirked at Rose and gave an evil eye)

Rose: Never mind.

(Rose stuck out her tongue at Cupcake when Spock wasn't looking)

(When they walked in, it did not look like the outside)

Rose: OMG modern furniture....

Cupcake: Clean floors....

Spock: Nice paint....

(Suddenly the Doctor came in and Serenity woke up)

Serenity: Ooooo cute guy at 12 o'clock!

Cupcake: Serenity don't say that!

Serenity: Freedom of Speech!

Rose: Well, he is pretty cute.....

Cupcake: You too Rose!?

Rose: Meh...

????: Hello! I'm Dr. Pebble!

Serenity: Aww! That reminds me of a nice stable!

Spock: (Clears throat) Well hello! I just I have to introduce everyone....um purple hair royal alicorn is Stern Cupcake....

(Rose giggles next to Cupcake and Cupcake glares at her..)

Spock: Next is blonde hair flying crystal pony Whiny Rose.....

(This time it's Cupcake's time to laugh and Rose to glare)

Spock: Then it's me, unicorn um....

Rose: Cool?

Spock: Yes, dark brown hair or black unicorn Cool Spock...

Cupcake: *Dangthatsalongname :)

Spock: Then lastly is blue and white hair flying crystal pony Quirky and Smart Serenity!

Serenity: Hey.

Spock: Sooooo me and Serenity are sick.......can you do a check up on us?

Dr. Pebble: I'll see what I can do.

(After their check up, Dr. Pebble said it was just allergies and off they went!)

Serenity: Now what?

The Pony Adventure Of a Life Time.... FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now