We Need Help....

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Serenity: I'm kinda glad you came.... I have some news.....

Cupcake: What?

Serenity: I believe I haven't let you seen it but.....

(Suddenly,  Canon the Turtle popped out of Serenity's pocket!

Cupcake: Canon! I can't believe I forgot you! How did he come?

Serenity: Don't cheer yet, I believe he is the problem Hans has escaped....

Cupcake: Hold on, can I see your hou- erm cave? 

Serenity: Sure! 

(After the VERY long tour, Serenity finally said the problem...) 

Serenity: Ok, so this would be VERY difficult to explain but....

(Serenity takes a deep breath)

Serenity: Ok so it says in pony history myths that if an object OR live being goes through a portal three times....I changes both the TO and FROM.

Cupcake: Huh? 

(Serenity raises an eyebrow)

Serenity: I thought you were a scientist!

Cupcake: I am! Its just that I have a million thoughts....

Serenity: ANYWAY, when you went through the portal, the TO was ready to change, so it did and that's why I was where all the crystal ponies are because it changed,then it changed again! When I went through it changed the FROM, so Canon somehow got through the portal...

Cupcake: MAYBE he used the power of FRIENDSHIP!

Serenity: Someone is here.....

Cupcake: AHHH-

Serenity: Shhh they will know we are here!

?????: Hello?

Cupcake: (Breath of relief) It's me Spock!

Spock: Whew I thought it was a cave of spiders....

Serenity: We have work to do! And stop blushing!

(Both realized they were pink)

Cupcake: Lighten up a bit!

Serenity: Your dreams might be dying and I'm the one freaking out! 

(Cupcake suddenly thinks of what will happen when her precious ponies die....)

Cupcake: You're right....

Serenity: Ok so while Hans has been abducting ponies, I've been checking out all the books on Equestria on their weakness....

Cupcake: Wait, weakness! Only one?!

Serenity: That's the bad news....

Spock: What is the good news??

Serenity: They have only one object and mind weakness, light!

Spock and Cupcake: Light?

(Serenity attempts to slap her forehead....I mean how do ponies do that? TV magic? Weird legs? I don't know!)

Serenity: Ugh I mean torches, lanterns, fire! The hard part is you can't be afraid to walk out there and strut your stuff! Love, happiness, acceptance, and FRIENDSHIP, also determination!

Cupcake: How can you do that?

Serenity: Fortunately, I also checked out books on that! For happiness, think of all the happy things in one little field! For Rocket, it would be ponies, turtles, and kawaii stuff! Love would be kinda difficult, you need two ponies who like like each other! Acceptance is most likely the easiest and hardest....you have to believe you will die....

Spock: How is that easy?

Cupcake: I don't know, people who believe the end is near, emo people?

Serenity: I don't know much about voodoo friendship, but Cupcake can explain THAT.

Serenity: Then there is DETERMINATION. The will to keep going on.....

(Wow I have a large speaking part in this chapter, huh?)

Serenity: Now the even HARDER part, there has to be a group with ALL of those traits along with light!


Cupcake: Shush your mouth hole! Not all of us need to have those traits!

Spock: Oh, ok!

Rose: Hellooooo

Serenity: Rose, I said not to come!

Rose: Sorry...anyway, if you can help, you better be fast! Less than 25,000 ponies are not kidnapped!

Cupcake : That's more than half the population of Equestria!

Rose: I should go now...seeing as you don't need my help.

(Rose sees Spock)

Rose: If you are alive Earth pony when they are gone, would you like a lunch sometime?

Cupcake: Whoa whoa whoa back off for a bit would you?

Rose: I'm just saying if he likes a free meal! Geez!

(Spock is uncomfortable)

Spock: Sure I'd like to go, maybe if we all die we can have lunch in pony heaven!

(Cupcake looks annoyed)

Cupcake: Rose is right, we should GET going! Anyway, bye Rose!

Rose: Oh! Goodbye...(Rose walks off dramatically)

Spock: Wait, Rose!

(Serenity is in a corner, eating popcorn with a large soda and 3D glasses and a huge smirk like irl)

Cupcake: Spock!

Spock: Maybe you can join our group, I mean it will be easier to get all the traits!

Rose: Oh Spock, I thought you in would never ask!

(Cupcake is watching, with a look at Rose that would kill many bunnies, yes it's THAT crazy!)

(Serenity steps in before Rocket kills Rose)

Serenity: Well, we should get armored up!

The Pony Adventure Of a Life Time.... FinishedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ