Onto ponyville!

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Cupcake: Um....they aren't dead, right?

Serenity: No, they just fainted...they should be thinking of bananas!

Spock: Why bananas?

Serenity: The bananas are turning them nice! When they are done, they become my army!


Rose: That's.....nice....

Serenity: Sadly, I believe Hans has left!

Cupcake: I'm kinda glad he left......1) We would need all of the emotions. 2) That would be too easy. 3) I'm having fun being in our group!

Rose: Awwww! 

Serenity: Well we have to get to Ponyville now.....

Rose: Wait, we can at least sleep!

Serenity: No, Princess Twilight is coming to Ponyville early in the morning! We have to get there by today!

Spock: But what about Hans?

Serenity: Hans shouldn't be there right now....Ponyville is one of the towns that is never going to become part of Hans!

Rose: Why?

Serenity: I don't know! I've lived in the Crystal Empire like, all my life!

(Serenity winks at Cupcake and Cupcake shows a concerned face)

Rose: I'll ask.....wait has any of us lived in Ponyville?

Cupcake: I moved to Ponyville a week ago....

Spock: I lived ALL my life there! I think it's because Hans is scared that Princess Twilight is going to come and take him down!

Serenity: Oh look, the spiders woke up!

(Somehow, the Spwings were pink, had long eyelashes, butterfly wings, long red hair, cat ears, and blush along with a giant banana with a heart singing on its back)

Spock: Wow, the bananas worked real good...

Spwing: Mistress Snow, where shall we go? 

Serenity: Off to Ponyville, where everything is still.

Spwing: Off we go then, hurry up women!

Spock: Why do they rhyme?

Serenity: A song is a poem, and a poem can rhyme!

Spock: Wait, really?

Serenity: I actually don't know! 

Rose: Well you failed.

Serenity: Hey, I passed college at age 14, I don't think I believe you.....

Cupcake: Ladies, ladies, shut up. We need to get to Ponyville TODAY. So shut your mouths and get flying!

Spock: That's new.

Rose: Geez.....

Serenity: Fine.

(Cue boring flying for 2 hours)

Cupcake: OMG!!!!! We are here!

Rose: Weren't you here a week ago?

Cupcake: Yes, but it's exciting!

Serenity: Hmm...well let's get some food! Cupcakes anyone?

Rose: Ooooh I could go for one!

Serenity: Ok, Rose is paying!

Rose: Why can't Cupcake?

Spock: Do you want a cupcake or not?

Cupcake: Well this is awkward......

Spock: Well everyone wants a piece of you!


Rose: Awkward moment of silence.....

Serenity: Let's get cupcakes!

(While they run to get cupcakes, Twilight is speaking to Spike)

(Twilight is currently in Canterlot)

Twilight: Spike, I heard that Cupcake has come to Ponyville. Is this true?

Spike: Um, Rarity said she saw her when she was there.

Twilight: Well, can you go down and do a favor for me please?

Spike: Sure!
Cupcake: Ooooh so many flavors!

Bubble Pie: Hallo! What may I get you?

Cupcake: Strange, I feel like I know you from somewhere here.....;)

Bubble Pie: I get that a lot!

Rose: I'll have the dramatic red rose!

Bubble Pie: Coming right up! What may I get you Spock?

Spock: How do you know my name....

Bubble Pie: You look like one....also just a hunch!

Cupcake: Seriously, I'm getting like, major deja vu....

Spock: Anyway, I'll get a Starry Night miss.

Bubble Pie: Just call me Bubble Pie! And you miss?

Serenity: Um, I'll take a Smarty Spiral.

Cupcake: Um, make that two Starry Nights!

Bubble Pie: Two more for a box and 10% off!

Rose: Two Brave Bunch then please!

Bubble: Ok....that will be 9 coins(?) please! Or free Princess!

Rose: You guys better not complain!

Spock: Oh don't worry!
Cupcake: We have a box of cupcakes and we need a place to sleep...now what?

?????: Ahem

Serenity: Ahhh! Tiny guy approaching with sketchy jacket!

Spike: Don't worry....I've been sent by Princess Twilight-

Rose: Fabio from the store?

Spike: Don't you dare speak his name! He stole my cake....

Cupcake: Spike?

Spike: Finally!

Spock: Well what does the Princess want?

Spike: She said that if you have troubles finding a place to sleep, you may take a rest at her castle.

Cupcake: Really? Tell her we are very thankful and that we hope to see her tomorrow!

Spike: I shall. Goodbye Princess. I will be in Canterlot....

Rose: Geez, I have to pay and Cupcake gets all the free stuff!

(The group rushes to the castle with Cupcakes help.....yes she went there)

Spock: I've never been here before!

Cupcake: I guess we should go to sleep....

Serenity: After donuts! Less talking, more eating!

Group: All right!

The Pony Adventure Of a Life Time.... FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now