Rose and Spock... plus memes and explaintions

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Hello! This is NOT a story chapter! This is for all those people who wanna see what a Rose and Spock and Serenity would look like! In a draft I put a website for what thing I used to make Spock and Cupcake! Enjoy!

Hello! This is NOT a story chapter! This is for all those people who wanna see what a Rose and Spock and Serenity would look like! In a draft I put a website for what thing I used to make Spock and Cupcake! Enjoy!

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This is Rose! I chose her because she looks well...pretty! Which is why her and Cupcake are fighting! I will now try to make a Spock....which is gonna be hard since I don't know what Cupcake likes! So I'm gonna go and do a mashup of what Cupcake likes and what I might like...I don't know T-T I think I failed


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Me! I chose this pony because I knew NOTHING  about ponies! So I went on a pony generator and It at first said Serenity with another last name, then I did it again with a new first name and Snow as a last name! Also one of the things it said I sho...

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Me! I chose this pony because I knew NOTHING  about ponies! So I went on a pony generator and It at first said Serenity with another last name, then I did it again with a new first name and Snow as a last name! Also one of the things it said I should have was a friend called Rose, so thus Rose was born into our whining child! I just chose this pic as my character cuz I liked it a lot!

Me! I chose this pony because I knew NOTHING  about ponies! So I went on a pony generator and It at first said Serenity with another last name, then I did it again with a new first name and Snow as a last name! Also one of the things it said I sho...

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This is just the full version of Cupcake and the reason I made a pony is because I honestly had trouble seeing Rose on the cover and not Cupcake....also I went on the original MLP website on Hasbro where there was a pop make your own pony, so I made something that I thought Cupcake liked(If you want to know, she did not like the pink hair) and I had an idea of what she looked like! 

I will now talk about Hans! Hans is of course named after the Hans in Frozen cuz he was evil...l will not put a pic of a spider with wings cuz it is CREEPY! Spider with wings was created by me and my sis and the mayfly which looks like a spider with wings and also eats mosquitoes...eww...BUT I didn't make him a mayfly because an average mayfly's life span is one day! So Hans would be dead right now and there would be a new leader of the Spiders with wings every day!

Oooook I'm back....I hope you guys like the new Spock! Smile!

ANDDD IM BACK! CUPCAKE WILL MAKE HER OWN SPOCK which is even better! :) I said that it is fun to use the mlp thing so its fine!

15 years later....

FINALLY Cupcake made Spock! I think she used the same thing I've been making!

FINALLY Cupcake made Spock! I think she used the same thing I've been making!

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I finally saw that there was an accessory page so here is new Cupcake!

I couldn't find a crown, so this cute bow will maybe do the trick! If you guys want I can do them with armor!

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I couldn't find a crown, so this cute bow will maybe do the trick! If you guys want I can do them with armor!

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