An Unknown Place

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Serenity: Ugh! I still can't believe she tried to kick me out.... even though I like it here too!

Rose: Ok ok, Its been a week! Can we go up into the open!

Serenity: I said you can go!

Rose: I'm worried about you!

Serenity: Just go... It's not like I have anywhere to go!

Rose: Buuuuttttt if you go out you can help all the ponies in all the world and Cupcake will HAVE to apologize! Besides, you know what these things are! And that their weak spot is there head!

Serenity: Rose I'm fine!

(Rose leaves..... then comes back with an interesting newspaper)

Serenity: Why did you come back?

Rose: Just shut up for a moment! Look at this!

(Headline reads: Cupcake Is New General!)

Serenity: Really! Out of all the people, Cupcake! She doesn't even know how to fight! She just talks about ponie- I mean acHOO.

Rose: Bless you! I'll go now... bye!

Serenity: Bye.

(Rose goes....then returns again)

Rose: Ok, I know you said I shouldn't come back but..... Cupcake is looking for you to help her!

Serenity: Ugh! I left clues like, all in her face!

Rose: What is the clue?

Serenity: A map torn up in Canterlot.

Rose: Well I have to go....

Serenity: Bye!

(As Rose exits again, Serenity thinks maybe she should help...)  

The Pony Adventure Of a Life Time.... FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now