Chapter 7 - Memories Part 2

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Hanzo p.o.v.
~*Continue of Flashback*~

"Genji I swear," I said to myself," if you didn't go back to our hide out." Suddenly the pain in my stomach erupted, I fell over and held onto​ my stomach. It felt like my stomach was turning inside out. I lifted my shirt to see how bad my wound was, I almost puked from the sight.
"Damn," I sat up from the ground and tried to stand up. I took one step and almost fell over from the pain in my stomach. "Come on Hanzo," I said to myself​," it's just a scratch."

Tis just a scratch ok I will leave now XD

I slowly took another step and the pain flared up again. "I can't make it," I said weakly," I need to rest..." I slowly sat down and rested on the wall behind me. I ripped the sleeves of my robe and wrapped them around my wound. I took one of the bagels out of my pockets, half of the bagel was covered in blood but I broke the bloody spots off and ate the clean sections. I sighed in frustration and relaxed on the wall.
"You better be safe, brother..."

Genji's p.o.v.
~*Still Continuing Flashback*~ Also don't forget that Genji is around five or six... cute little carrot.

"Where's brother?" I asked myself, "He should be here by now." I gasped and covered my mouth,"Did that mean baker catch him?" I started to pace around the room. I took a roll out of my pocket and ate half of it. "I should go look for him!" I concluded.
I walked outside of our neatly hidden fort and started to search for Hanzo.
"If he was running from the baker," I thought out loud,"he would want to take the fastest way!" I gave myself a high-five and took the fastest path to the baker's.
After awhile of walking I saw Hanzo laying up against a wall.
"Hanzo!" I yelled happily. I ran up to Hanzo and gave him a warm hug. "I thought the baker caught you!"
Hanzo let out a pained noise as I hugged him and I quickly pulled away from him.
"Oh no your hurt!" I said while looking at the wound on Hanzo's stomach. I pulled away Hanzo's robe and quickly looked away. His wound was disgusting, how he was still conscious amazed me.
"We need to get you home," I said while trying to pull Hanzo to his feet.
"Home?" Hanzo asked me painfully," You mean our hideout." Hanzo stood up and I quickly tried to support him as he stood.
"No, home," I insisted again," the clan, I don't like living in the city it's cold and wet. I miss father too."

Hanzo's p.o.v.
~* End of flashback*~

"That's why I decided to come back," I said to myself," Genji couldn't life on the streets no matter how much pain or sorrow this place would bring to him... I wish I was like him."

¡DISCONTINUED! The Painter (Hanzo X Reader X Genji) Where stories live. Discover now