Chapter 4 - An Offer

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Your p.o.v.
After waiting for a whole hour someone finally came to get me. I just wish they came to get me for a better reason.

"Ms. (L/n)," a servant said," we need to leave right now!" I quickly sat up from bed that I was laying on and found a terrified servant standing in my door way.
"Why?" I asked her,"I was told to stay here."
"It's a matter of life and death," she said very quickly," please come with me!" I grabbed my sketchbook and followed her. She ran out the room and led me down a hallway. After a few turns and twists we made it outside of the clan. "Come quickly!" She insisted again. I picked up my pace and the women led me to a group of men in black suits. The men held a person with a bag on their head.
"Good job maid," one of the men said,"your not useless after all." I looked over to the women that had led me here and she wouldn't looked me in the eyes. The man that had talked to the women approached me.
"Ah (y/n) (l/n)," he said while grabbing my chin," it's great to see you." I pulled my face out of his hands and glared at him.
"Who are you and what do you want with me?" I asked with a cold tone. I putted my hands behind my back and flipped my sketchbook to the last page, I knew it would be blank. I started to write on the page and hoped the women would look at it.

If anything happens to me, take my sketchbook back to the clan and tell them what happened. If you don't, you will be caught with treason and will most likely be executed. You help me, I help you.

I let my sketchbook slowly drop to the ground so that it wouldn't be so obvious.
"My name? You can call me Reyes," Reyes answered me, "What I'm going to do with you... A simple deal, that's all." He waved to the man who was holding their hostage. The man threw the bag off of the hostage's head and I gasped.
"(Y/n)!" My mother cried," don't listen to them, run be-" The man holding my mom punched her in the stomach and she fell to her knees.
"Shut up you old hag!" The thug yelled at her. I felt a rush of adrenaline course through my veins and it took all myself control to not attack the group of terrorists.
"Ah, looks like you two know each other, lovely!" Reyes said with a evil smile,"If you want your mother to be set free, (y/n), I suggest you come with us." I started to walk towards Reyes and my mom yelled at me again.
"(Y/n)! Don't​ do it!" She yelled at me,"You know how these guys are! They never keep their promises!" I looked at my mom with a serious expression.
"Mother, with death comes honor, with honor redemption." My mother started to cry but I tried to ignore her as I walked towards Reyes again," I accept your offer." With a wave of his hand my mom was released, the women behind me grabbed my sketchbook and tried to help her. My mother growled at the lady and got up on her own.
"You are the cause of this!" My mother yelled at her," If you hadn't brought my daughter here! I-I " She let a sigh of defeat escape her lips and I gave her a hopeful look before I followed the group of thugs.
"Don't fail me Ms.," I mumbled.

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