Chapter Twenty Four -Contract and Blood-

Start from the beginning

"She is welcome, just as you are."

The Prince indirectly rose my status, placing me onto their level of wealth - clearly a wrong move as the ladies became more and more distressed by the minute.

I remained silent, being rude or careless with my words could result in punishment from the whole group of wealthy women.

"This girl is a trained assassin, protecting me from harm."

The women stiffened, performing a double take upon hearing the word 'assassin.' My presence quickly gained strength, with the Prince's words boosting my morale - I become feared by many guests in just under a minute.

"If that's all, I believe the night is coming to a close."

The Price dismissively sent the nosey females on the biggest hike of their luxury lives. I bowed to the Prince - who rolled his eyes after the air finally cleared from flowery perfumes and tapping of heels.

"Thank you..."

I quietly muttered, only the Prince stared in my general direction for a few seconds longer. He seemed stiff, but calmed once he sighed loudly.

"Forget it."

The Prince - now sitting alone - raised a glass of champagne to his lips and downed the strong scented alcohol with a relief filled sigh. Standing beside each other like this displayed our blatant strength and power to other guests who eyed our intimidating aura.

"As you can see, with you by my side, people are afraid of me. I need this fear so my judgements as Prince are more valued by other royals."

I nodded my head; His words make perfect sense, powerful individuals of royal blood need to know Prince Levi is a manipulative, fearful opponent, and strong, useful ally.

"I see..."

Why do you enjoy being so intimidating? Was the question on the very tip of my tongue, but I decided to keep my 'damn mouth' shut.

"I do believe this evening is over, foreigner."

I watched as the Prince stood from his chair, many guests of the evening wished him a restful sleep as we left the small reception party.

The evening hadn't been of particular importance, but gatherings like these are designed for the Prince's presence - to alert people of his powerful authority.

"Go and get some rest, you've been standing for too long."

I bowed; my stitches painfully moving alongside my warm flesh.

"I shall, goodnight your majesty."

The Prince merely hummed dismissively. I sensed his sudden wish to talk further - but abandoned him - sensing my legs might give out mid conversation.


I'd only taken a few steps down the golden hallways as his cold voice stopped me from progressing any further. I slowly turned to face him, his eyes glowing a bright silver, his glare deep and fearful.

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