Chapter 30

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Demi POV

Once we'd gotten to the hospital, Max had fallen asleep. I really hoped that she would stay asleep the whole time, although I knew how unlikely that was. 

"Do you think she'll sleep through it?" Dinah asked as I picked up Maxie. 

"Uhh.. probably not. I really don't want her to wake up in a hospital though.. she's not too fond of them and she has some bad memories in them." I elaborated. 

She nodded in understanding as we entered. I carried her in and we got signed in, and not too long after, were called back. 

"Maxine Lovato?" A young woman with blonde hair called. Dinah and I shared a look before going back. We got settled into the room and filled out some paperwork, she asked, 

"So what happened?" I watched as she carefully took off what Max had on her arm, 

"She fell off of the lyra." 

"Is this the only broken bone?" She asked, I shrugged, 

"It's the only one I could see and the only one she pointed out to me." 

"Alright, we'll order a full body scan, x-ray, and a head CT for precautions. I nodded and told her thank you as she left to order the tests. 

"Do you really think her arm should have broken so easily?" Dinah ashed me worried. 

"I don't know love, but she's also so small, you know? Maybe her bones would break easier since she's so little." She nodded, 

"Yea you're right. Thanks babe." I smiled at her, 

"No problem." Before we knew it, the doctor came back to take Maxie from me to have her do the different scans, the only thing that I requested of them, was to please keep her asleep. I was nervous and Dinah was too, I could tell. 

"She's gonna be okay D.. she's strong." I told her, wrapping my arm around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and I found it very sweet how much she cared for Maxie. Some time later, the doctor came back, still holding Max, but with an assistant this time, who was carrying some folders. 

I assumed that they were her scans. The doctor handed Max over to me and I gave her a thankful smile for not waking her up. 

"Okay, her scans, aside from her arm, did come back clean. There's no head injuries or any internal bleeding. Her arm is in fact broken, but she's lucky and she won't need surgery, so how about we get the casting process started so you guys can get back to your day, yea?" 

The doctor told me, sitting down in front of me while the assistant showed me the different scans. 

"That sounds great thank you." I said and Dinah sighed out of relief. 

"Okay I'll be right back with you shortly." She said before her and her assistant left. 

"See Dinahhhh it was just her arm. She's okay." I told Dinah with a smile and she returned it, 

"Yeaaa you were right, I was just worrying about her. She's such a sweet kid, you know?" I giggled, 

"Yea. She's super sweet." I agreed with her, looking down at Maxie.

*Time skip*

"Maxie, baby girl you have to stay still. Let her finish the cast." Max cried, trying to hide in my shirt. 

"It'll all be over soon baby, I promise you." I said softly to her as I held her still so that the doctor could finish up her cast. Max whimpered a little and held onto my shirt, but sat still for the doctor to finish up her cast. 

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