Chapter 27

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Camila POV

Everyone was cuddled up in the living room and Max was still asleep on my lap, atleast I thought she was sleeping. Mostly everyone was super concentrated on what they were watching, aside from Dinah and Lauren, Dinah was on her phone and Lauren was staring at me. "Earth to planet green eyes..? Laur are you okay?" She snapped out of it. "Yes, you're just beautiful." She said before kissing me gently, making me turn a deep shade of red. "Thanks babe, you're beautiful too." She smiled at me playfully and opened her arms for me to lay with her. I gladly took up the offer and Adjusted Max so that she was comfortable and rested my head on Lauren's chest. "I love you babe." "I love you too baby." She said as she wrapped her arms around me more securely and I think I fell asleep.

*time skip*

I was jolted awake by the horrible dream that I had.. It was about Demi. Negative thoughts flooded my head and I started to cry. I carefully put Max on Ally's lap cause she was closer to me and I didn't want to wake Max up. I laid back Down onto Lauren and let myself cry. I felt someone pick me up.. What the..

Dinah POV

All of the girls had fallen asleep and I was the only one up. Camila sat up abruptly and moved Max onto Ally's lap and started crying. I didn't want her to have to go through this with no one to talk to, and she didn't seem like she wanted to wake Lauren up; so I went over to where she was and carried her into my room.. I didn't like the fact that she was starting to lose weight again. "Mila.." I sat her down and she looked at me in amazement. "How did you even..." "No.. Mila, we aren't going there.. What's wrong?" She looked down and played with her fingers. "I..I had a bad dream that's all.." "About..?" "Demi.." She sniffled and started crying again. I pulled her closer to me and let her cry into me. "It's gonna be okay Mila, she's a warrior, she's gonna get through this okay?" She nodded. "Now, Demi wouldn't wanna see you so upset now would she?" She shook her head and smiled faintly. "I love you DJ you're like a little big sister to me." She hugged me tightly and I returned the hug. I giggled a little, "I Love you too." "Babeee? Camz???" I heard Lauren call. "Your girlfriend is looking for you.. Camren." She smiled and blushed before walking out the door to find where Lauren went off to.

Normani POV

I woke up to Lauren calling for Camila, Dinah wasn't there either so I assumed that wherever they were that they were together. Camila came walking out and Dinah followed not too long after. Mila looked like she had been crying, but she wore a small smile. "Baby what happened? I was worried. Why didn't you wake me up?" Lauren asked Mila. Dinah answered for her, sensing her uneasiness at the question, "She had a bad dream about... And she didn't wanna disturb you, also I just happened to be awake." Lauren sighed, "Thanks DJ." She hugged her. I can tell that both Max and Camila are both kinda going backwards in their recovery because of this, I'm gonna try and have Lauren talk to her about it. I'll do my best to do what I can to help with Max too. Don't get me wrong, the rest of us are also very upset about what happened with Demi, Camila and Max just took it especially hard. Well.. Demi is Max's mommy and Camila an Demi had a very close bond, as Demi was Camila's motivation during recovery. "Mani you alright?" Dinah asked me. I nodded, "of course, I was just thinking about some things." I told her, telling the truth. She gave me a smile, which I returned before someone's phone went off. Lauren looked at her phone and her eyes got big and she left the room, telling Camila to stay. She looked at me anxiously and Dinah wrapped her arms around Mila. A few minutes Lauren came back with tears in her eyes. "They.. They're giving her a week.. We are heading to Texas as soon as we pack, big max booked o..our flights and talked to big Rob." She let out a sob. "Oh my..." Dinah said, tearing up too. Everyone in the room, including Ally, cause she'd waken up, started to cry. Camila.. She lost it. "Why..?" She cried, hitting herself in the head. "Mila!" Lauren restrained her and held her, letting her cry into her as she wiped away her own tears. "Shh... Camz.. She still has fight in her. You have to have hope, Demi would want you to have hope, okay Babygirl? Wanna pray with Ally and Mani? I'm sure they'd love to." Lauren asked Mila. She nodded as did Ally. "Come here Mila" I opened my arms to her and she came over to me. All of us joined hands as Ally said a prayer, "Dear Lord, I pray that you'll hear us out and put a hedge of protection over Demi and her Family and protect us on the way to Texas. I pray that you give Demi the strength and will to fight and wake up and give everyone the strength to be there for her in her time of need. Please give Max and Camila the strength they need to recover in spite of the tragedy, just take this situation into your hands oh lord, in Jesus name, Amen." Ally finished. "Amen." We all said in unison.

*time skip*

Camila POV

We were all finished packing and at the airport, waiting on our private flight to Texas. I was holding Max, who had been nodding in and out of sleep for the past hour, not being able to fall into a deep sleep again. I felt bad for her, but I didn't mind helping and taking care of Max because It helps to keep my mind busy. "Camz, baby, come on, our flight is here." I looked up and smiled weakly, following the girls and getting into the jet. I just wanted to hurry and get to Texas and be there for Demi and her family.

*time skip*

Nothing really eventful happened on the flight to Texas, people slept off and on and everyone was thinking. Max was still in and out of sleep. We made it to Demi's moms house safely, then to the hospital. We all sat around her bed, hoping and praying for her to wake up.

*time skip 6 days*


It was the last day for mommy to wake up and it was 11 pm at night.. She had an hour. I held onto Dinah and cried. Everybody was crying and praying. I got down off of Dinah's lap and went to mommys bed. I held onto the rails on her bed and cried. I held mommys hand and she squeezed it and it scared me and I jumped back. "S..she squeezed hand." I said still crying. Everyone came and stood around me and Demi's mom pushed the button on the wall. I held mommys hand again and she started to shake a lot and Dinah picked me up and the doctor told everyone to leave and more doctors rushed in. "Mommy please wake up!" I cried as I clung to Dinah, shaking. Everybody was nervous and pacing and everything was crazy and I stated breathing really fast. "Hey, max sweetie, slow down, we're all here." Dinah said holding me close before everything went black.

Dinah POV

After the doctors made us leave because Demi started seizing, everything was chaotic and hectic and Max started hyperventilating very badly and I tried to calm her down. "Hey, Max sweetie, slow down, we're all here." Then she just blacked out. I shook her. "Max.. Max!" I called her name. Everyone looked up. "Can we get a nurse!" I called. A nurse rushed over and took Max from me. Oh my goodness everything Is happening so fast.

*time skip*

Demi POV

There was a lot of noises, beeping, machinery, I didn't know what was going on. "CLEAR!" I heard someone scream. "CLEAR!" They screamed again, then the beeping stopped going all crazy. I heard crying and I head the girls and my family. I felt a small body laid next to me, shaking and crying. Max. "It's almost time, I'll give you all some time to say your goodbyes." I heard a female say. What the?! I was so confused, then I remembered, I was in a wreck, we got t boned by some truck. I must be in a coma. Wake up Demi wake up. Max started crying more and I could hear it and feel her trembling. I wanted to hold her, but I couldn't move. "M..mommy p..p..please w..wake up.. I...I love" She stuttered through tears. I tried to move and hold her close to me. I felt Max sit up. "M..mommy?" It took every bit of strength in my but I sat up and opened my eyes, immediately shutting them. I squeezed Max's hand. "Mommy!" She koala beared me and sobbed. "Demi!" Everyone cheered, crying and standing by my bedside. I opened my eyes back up and smiled. "How long have I been..?" I asked. "Two weeks today." My mom said kissing my cheek smiling. Max held onto me tightly, not letting go. I looked at her and then at Mila, looking them up and down. Max looked even worse than when I'd adopted her and Mila caught on. "Lauren, please take Mila to the cafe." I said with a weak smile. "Wait no. Not now, we can get something on the way home just.. I wanna stay here with Dems. I promise we will get something on the way home.. I'm just, so happy Demi is awake." I smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug. "Okay. You better start trying, for me okay?" She nodded right away. The doctor walked in. "Time's... Well then, glad to see that you've come around." He smiled. "We are gonna check your vitals and if all is well, we can send you home Ms.Lovato." Max looked up at me and smiled through her tears. "Babygirl, can you sit with Maddie while they check my vitals?" She shook her head quickly. "She's alright right there." The doctor said smiling. I nodded and the doctor checked all my vitals and said I was free to go home. They gave me my clothes and I changed, with Max with me, she didn't want to leave my side, which was completely understandable. I signed out and we left. We got food on the way back home. My mom drove one car and my dad drove the other. Max made sure to ride with me, but I didn't mind. Both Mila and max ate, Mila finished her food and Max ate about half of hers, which made me so proud of her. "I'm proud of you baby." I kissed her forehead and she cuddled into me. I got a good look at her, she looked like she hadn't been sleeping well. "You tired baby? Get some rest, mommys here." She immediately relaxed into me and fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and just enjoyed the car ride home with the people I love.

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