To: Sam and Casey, From: Melissa

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Dear Sam and Casey,
Omg, I can't believe it's been a year. I am so so happy that you guys are together. And have been for a long time. When Sam posted the vlog announcing your engagement, I was in shock but also extremely happy. Because that's all I want for you guys. Is to be happy and love whomever you want to love. I didn't care what your sexualities were or who you were with. As long as you two had those smiles on your faces. And knowing you two were together and brought joy and love into each other's just made me so so happy.

Sam, I've been a fan of yours for almost 3 years now. Casey, I started being your fan two years ago when the Ed Sheeran/Sam Smith mashup was uploaded. You guys have helped me through some issues in my life, so thank you for that. I want you guys to know a few things. 1: I'm always going to support you two. 2: Your fans are always going to stand by you. And 3: it doesn't matter what the struggle is or how big it may seem. You two love each other, always stand by one another. You probably already knew this, but this is just a reminder.

Happy anniversary! Sending you all my love and support!! And hope you two continue to have a lifetime of happiness, unconditional love, support and respect. Sam, be sure to help Casey clean the house every once in a while 😂 


                                              Melissa 💜

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