Please Don't Go

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(Casey's POV)
I enter my house, and I sit down on the couch. I just finished a great song with Jason. Maybe it'll be ready to share with my YouTube community soon. I look around and the house for Sam, he's not home. I'm actually starting to worry. Where did Sam go? Was he mad at me for not supporting him? Oh no.

I pick up my phone and dial up Sam. Then I hear his ring, I look up and he's walking through the door. As soon as he saw me he ran up to and gave me a huge hug.

"Casey, I love you. I promised to never leave you. So I never will" he said.

I hug him back in relief.

"I love you, too, Sam."

"But I need to know why you don't want me to go", he says as we let go of each other.

"We promised to be honest with each other. So please be honest with me, Casey."

I guess now it's time that he knew.

"Sit down", I say.

We both sit down on the couch.

"When I was in high school", I say.

"I met this girl, Kim. She was supposedly the most amazing person I've ever met in my life. She was a drummer. She got the chance to go on tour with Prince."

"On tour with Prince? That's amazing."

"I thought the same thing. I told her to go for that. That I'll wait for her. And when she got back...she was a completely different person. She started smoking, partying. She wasn't the girl I was dating. I looked at her, and I saw a stranger. I had no idea who was in front of me. She was so influenced by the fame and fortune that she turned into the most horrible human being."


"Sam, you are the most humble, honest, caring, loving, genuine person I have ever met. I was scared that if you went on tour with Beyonce..."

"You were scared I would end up like Kim."

"Yeah. The last thing I want is for that to happen to you. Sam, I don't wanna lose you."

What happened with Kim wasn't my fault. I didn't know that was going to happen. But if that ever happened to Sam, and I didn't do anything about it knowing it would happen, there would be no one to blame but myself.

"Casey", Sam says.

I look up and face him.

"You're never going to lose me. Listen, I--"

He was cut off by his phone ringing. He checks it.

"It's Beyonce", he says.

"Go ahead. Answer", I say.

He answers and puts the phone by his ear.

"Hi", he says.

"Yeah, I'm doing just fine. Listen...I can't go on that tour. Yeah, I'm sure. I have so many people here at home. I love them so much, and nothing is worth being away from them for so long. Especially my Casey. Thanks for understanding. Good luck with the tour. Bye."

He hangs up and a smile crawls on my face. And the same happens with Sam.

"I'm not going", he says.

"A month is fine. But 6? Too much."

We share a small but sweet kiss.

"I love you, Sam."

"I love you, too, Casey."


Hey Guys!!! Melissa and Anna here!!!!! Thanks for reading!!! make sure to follow our personals!!!



Promises // A Sam Tsui and Casey Breves FanFictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें