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(Sam's POV)
These past couple weeks in Europe have been amazing. Spending time with Casey, visiting ancient Greek sites, and of course meeting fans. I had the best time here. And now we gotta go back to LA. Kurt and I were scheduled to perform at VidCon this year, so we gotta be there by tonight.

Right now we're in France. Well, a french airport. Our flight leaves in about 30 minutes. In the meantime, Casey and I are writing a new song. Our wedding song, actually. Remember, I promised the Samily a music video from the wedding. So this song has to be perfect.

Well, not just for the Samily. For Casey, too. I mean, come on. He's my husband. I love him, and I really want to show that through this song.

"Le vol 106 à destination de Los Angeles débarquera en 15 minutes", a flight attendant said.

"Casey", I say as I turn to my husband .

"That means our flight is gonna be  boarding in 15 minutes."

Okay, I'm his Greek translator and he's my French translator. We make a perfect team!

After about 5 minutes, we already have the chorus to our song.

"Wanna sing a little?", I ask.

"Sure", Casey responds.

I take a deep breath before singing with Casey.

"That when forever fades into a memory,
Nothing will ever take,
Take you away from me.
This promise of mine,
Is a promise in time.
And as we looking back,
On who we used to be.
With everything I have,
I swear you'll always see
This promise of mine
Is a promise in time."

Casey and I looked at each other and in no time, he gave me a small but sweet peck on the lips.

And it wasn't long until we got some weird looks from people around us.

"Quelle? Jamais vu deux personnes embrasser dans un aéroport avant?", Casey said to them. After he said that, they all walked away.

"What the heck did you just say?", I chuckled.

"I said 'What? Never seen two people kiss in an airport before?' They really should mind their own business."

I laugh until I cried. I don't know how he does it, but somehow he always manages to make me laugh. And I love him for that.

"Veuillez pardonner les inconvénients, mais en raison des tempêtes entrantes, le vol 106 à Los Angeles a été retardé de 2 heures jusqu'à nouvel ordre", the flight attendant said.

"What? No!", Casey exclaims.

"What? What'd they say?", I say.

This can't be good.

"Our flight is being delayed by 2 hours! We're gonna miss VidCon."

"What? Come on!"

This sucks. I'm stuck in a French airport and I'm gonna miss VidCon. Maybe Kurt can do this himself.

"I gotta call Kurt", I say as I grab my phone.

I go onto my contacts and click on Kurt's name.

"KHS", he answers.

"Kurt, it's Sam", I say.

"Bad news. I'm being delayed and France. I can't make it to VidCon."

"What? Man, that's terrible."

"Do you think you can perform by yourself?"

"Sure. I mean, the show must go on, right?"

"Yeah. Sorry about this."

"Hey, I'm fine that it's only for now. If it was for our Asia tour, I would be pissed. Gotta go. Take care, Sam."

"You too."

I hang up and look at Casey.

"You gotta tell your fans", he says.

"I know, I know."

I take a sad selfie and post it on my Twitter and Instagram.

Oh well. At least I still got my Asia tour.
Hope you guys liked this chapter! Be sure to read, comment, vote and follow our personals! Love you guys!



Promises // A Sam Tsui and Casey Breves FanFictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang