Alone Again

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Matt sat back in his slightly uncomfortable, tatty office chair, spinning slowly and awkwardly as he observed The Resistance's meeting. Being the newest and one of the youngest there, he decided to keep his mouth shut. He didn't want to speak to anyone anymore really. Dom was always on his mind, haunting his thoughts and causing his grief. He just wanted to stop thinking.
"Matt!!" A voice interrupted his train of thought, dragging him back to reality.
"Hmm, yes?" He croaked, pulling his sleeves over his trembling hands.
"Mate you looked like you were dead!" It was Chris, patting his hand and trying to talk to him. Matt smiled awkwardly as all the faces turned to him.
"Can you keep a close eye on the info today? We're going back to organise a new rescue mission from the Drones HQ." General Anderson asked, or rather instructed. Matt winced at the mentioning of the bastards  who took his soulmate's life away. Chris understood, squeezing Matt's shoulder.
"It's okay pal, we'll be back within a few hours. Morgan will still be here, but he'll most likely be in his office in the other base. He's gonna help us breach the security of the prison."
"Okay sure bud. Whatever you say." Matt said, his voice almost inaudible, trying not to draw too much more attention to himself. Chris, Tom, Morgan, General Anderson and their rescue team got up, pushing the chairs in behind them.
"Cheers Matt. And if anything bad happens, try to sort it as best you can, and we'll be over before you know it." Chris said, beaming a little. Matt chuckled and patted Chris' back, watching the younger man jog out towards the truck.

Matt grumbled inaudibly as he wandered through the halls of the headquarters, clutching the vital information. He had much better stuff to do than this. The HQ was actually quite big, it was like a tardis when you got in, very confusing indeed. Matt took this time to explore the base, as he'd only really stayed in the hospital side of it - also the side where Dom's house was. He was kind of glad to be away from that area, it took a huge weight off his mind. Kicking up the thin layer of dust that covered the floor, he watched the particles swirl up into the air - disappearing into the sun beams that filtered through a clouded panel of glass in the wall. Matt turned around, heading back towards Dom's ward, and shivering slightly. As there weren't many windows in the place, a sludgy darkness obscured the air and Matt's vision, also managing to suck out all heat in the massive structure. Those little rays of sun pierced through the dark and trickled onto the walls. However creepy this whole scenario might seem, it was rather calming. There was nobody but Matt. He liked that.

Can you free me from this world? [Muse/Belldom AU]Where stories live. Discover now