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Matt clawed at his throat, desperately trying to breathe through his raspy, shaky breaths. Salty tears cascaded down his sickly pale, skeletal face as he screamed his lover's name over and over again. The bang seemed to echo around the empty neighbourhood, reverberating through Matt's head and breaking his heart.
His shrieks eventually grew weaker, until eventually, his whispers were croaky and hardly audible.
"Dom.. Dom.. Dommeh...."
Chris, Tom and Morgan overheard the commotion and stumbled out of the car to see Matt lying in the middle of the road, sobbing feebly and clutching the battered scroll. Chris opened his mouth to speak, before gasping and shutting it when he saw. A trickle of red liquid seeped out the hole in the wall, curling round Matt's trembling frame and staining his clothes.
"Oh f-fuck.. No.." Morgan choked, holding on to Tom's shoulder and breathing shakily. Chris crept round the building and into the room where Dom's body lay, the broken body of the drone strewn next to him. Chris picked up Dom's body and carried the limp boy out, trying his best to choke back his own tears.
"I got.. the scroll.." Matt breathed, gazing up at Chris as he came out the building, looking down and breathing heavily. Matt reached for Dom's cold hand and gently kissed it, before trudging towards the car and slumping down in the back seats.

Can you free me from this world? [Muse/Belldom AU]Where stories live. Discover now