Chapter Eight

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Cedar <>

Chapter Eight

It turns out, that I knew how to float AND doggy paddle. I looked up to see the plane heading, correction –crashing – straight into a landmass.

The flames flew high into the sky, before dwindling back down.

There is land! If Roe did not die from me pushing him, then he must've somehow swam to that landmass. I began my doggy paddling towards land.

Sometime later, the landmass came into view.

The sandy shores of the beach were what I was washed onto. I breathed, the fear taking over, before pride punched her way inside my emotion controller.

I survived. I will survive.

I am a survivor.

I lay on the beach, letting sleep catch up with me. I think I'm suffering from jet-lag. It's just around the afternoon, sometime like 2:00, but I needed to rest – badly.

So, I closed my eyes and slept.

I woke up around 11 hours later. It wasn't even dawn, and I stifled a yawn.

"Where am I?" I grumbled. If you hadn't noticed, I'm not a morning person.

"Somewhere in Isla." A voice told to me.

I screamed and jumped up into what I think is a fighting stance.

"Don't worry Cedar, it's just me, Roe." He said. I sighed deeply, maybe – "I still haven't forgotten what you did to me."

Oh, he hadn't forgotten.

"So, since we aren't anywhere near Isere, we can try to find a way out of here. Now we can stop this stupid quest and go home, so I can tell the alpha I'm sorry." I smiled, happy that I didn't have to quest with Roe anymore.

"Don't smile Cedar, we still have our backpacks. And, I have that encyclopedia. By terms of that encyclopedia, we are in Isla. Where the legendary, Reuses, live." He broke my happy moment, just like that.

"Oh. Well, shouldn't we check out the plane crash? There could be some survivors, and we can raid it for food, blankets and moral support." I added, trying to slow down our search or quest.

It's not that I don't want to quest, it's just that the chances of dying are really high. Bonus: I don't want to die.

Let me give you some information about Reuses.

Reuse fun facts:

They are extremely aggressive creatures, though they can be docile and gentle.

They have four inch claws.

They have longer jaws.

To kill, or attack, the Reuse extends its jaw and its "snout" forward, propelling several inches of teeth.

Reuses can't see: They rely on electromagnetic sense. They have millions of heat sensing and electric cells, which is useful for hunting and for targeting.

Reuses have the large frame of a tiger. With the bite force of a megladon, they are very deadly. They have a lion's mane, and it is a beauty. It drapes from his or her (unlike lions, females can have manes) head and falls onto its shoulders in perfect waves and curls. Con: If you are close enough to see the actual beauty and power the hair holds, you probably won't be alive to say so.

I think those are good points for my fear factor.

Hint: This fear factor increases and encourages fear.

I wanted to protest against Roe, but he grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into the dense forest that just happened to be inches away from the beach.

How the heck do plants grow next to saltwater?! Mangroves don't count.

Roe had been pulling me for the past fifteen minutes. I felt like sighing, but I didn't want to disappoint. We stopped for a break. Roe needed to read the encyclopedia.

"Apparently, Reuses inhabit dense forests, or plains. We've been walking around this forest for a while, so the logic explanation is that these specific Reuses stay in the plains." With that stupid sentence, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me, again.

We hadn't gone far, when I heard a bone chilling sound.

Bone crunching. I dove for the bushes that were at the right spot at the right moment and peered.

It was the Reuses, and they were polishing off some bones. I recognized the sunglasses, it was a girl from the plane.

Whelp, there goes my survivor idea. Onto the next one.

They ripped her apart, and continued to pick the bones clean.

I would hate to be in her place right now, coz she is dead.

"We found our Reuses, so here is the plan," I interrupted him before he could continue.

"You cause a distraction, and I go after the Reuse cubs. Hopefully, they haven't sensed us – yet."

"A distraction?!" He whisper-yelled. "Do you want to take the hair?" I snapped.

He nodded, and then.

He jumped. He jumped out of the bushes and started doing a mad man dance.


One Reuse – the alpha of the pride or somethin'- got up and growled a deep one.

Roe took a deep breath, before shifting. His bones shaped and cracked, his rib cage compressing, his organs squeezing. Some seconds later, an above average sized wolf stood in a stance, his hind legs reared, his front legs curled. He had bloodshot eyes and long canines. He had a greyish color, his hue barely dark enough to be registered as a normal colored wolf.

Let me explain something else to you.

It's about white wolves.

Once, long ago, it was thought that white wolves were the rarest color of wolf seen, with power as great as the Moon Goddess. But, the white color started appearing in batches, and a shocking news was delivered by Professor Elias, the woman who ended white wolves' regime and fake power.

It turns out that white wolves are actually a minority, a weaker batch of werewolves. With less developed senses, and a nose that doesn't work as good as other werewolves do. The reason their "senses" are so heightened is because that is how their senses will be for the rest of their lives.

The reason white wolves were so strong is because other wolves let them walk all over them, letting themselves become a minority. The white wolves found out Professors Elias's discovery, and hoped it would be kept a secret. But it didn't. It spread like wildfire, and in the year 1345, white wolves were declared a minority.

White wolves aren't actually strong, and can die easier than normal werewolves can. People like Alistair McKee were no longer idols, no longer powermogers.

From then on, people thanked Professor Elias for showing them the truth.

Anyways, Roe growled at the Reuse.

The Reuse growled back.

Roe pinned his ear back and his lips tugged into a snarl, revealing a pretty line of sharp teeth. He extended his retractable claws and tried to look ferocious.

Just when the Reuse showed signs of moving forward, Roe bolted. In a split second, pandemonium erupted. The reuses charged after him, their growls becoming faint.

This must be my cue.

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