Chapter 6

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A short one but it gave me time to plan out Chapter Seven.

Chapter Six

I thought over Roe's words. He had it planned to the second. He had everything worked out, even me. He told me I should pack, but pack what?

I was about to ask Roe, but he beat me to it.

"By the looks of your face, you don't know what to pack. Remember this: Underwear, shorts, sweatpants, shirts and long-sleeved shirts. Don't forget a backpack, some food and trainers."

Alright, shouldn't be hard.

"I don't have much of that stuff except for sweatpants, shorts, backpack, and trainers. The food will be hard to obtain."

I told him.

He shook his head and said to me: "Don't worry, you can borrow some of my little sister's stuff and my stuff."

Time skip the boring preparation: Yes, I did just insert that.

"Roe, are you sure about this?"

Time skip a few days: Heheheh.

I was at Roe's house. It seemed his house or bungalow had to become a weekly visit.

"Alright Cedar, I booked us a plane to Isere. Then, we can hike to Corona Caves, and maybe we can find ourselves a legendary phoenix and steal a feather!"

I still wasn't sure about the whole, Find Your Voice quest thing, but Roe seemed so sure of himself.

"Are you sure about this," I asked him quizzically.

He nodded.

"Just so you know Roe, if I go down, you go down with me."

I know this chapter is short but the next one is about their plane ride and a possible misfortune. Stay tuned, and thank you for reading.

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