"Great." Harry snapped, rolling his eyes before rounding the bar to stand right in front of Danielle who was watching him intently. The two acted as if no one else was in the bar as Harry's hands went on either side of her shoulders to rest the heel of his palms on the bar edge, his body tilting forward in order to whisper in her ear.

Luke took that as his cue to leave with a dramatic expression of vomiting as he stalked over to Tim who was standing in the back with a few of the bar folk.

"He has no idea who he is now." The blonde stated, biting on his lip ring in a way to calm himself down because the Harry in front of him was not the one he first met a year ago.

Yes, people change. But after Louis...it was like the old Harry was long gone.

"I didn't think that he would still be acting like this." Tim stated, shaking his head as he brought the half filled glass of beer to his lips. He of all people knew Harry the best due to the numerous years they spent together. "This is just childish." He grumbled, setting his glass down while he turned his attention away from the boy that he honestly felt like he was his own son.

He only wanted to best for Harry. But he stopped physically being there for the brunette when he threatened to attack the man if he were to ask if he was alright one last time.

Harry was definitely not alright. That was one thing that everyone knew. His red orbs were lit with the wrong kind of fire and that woman beside him was not helping whatsoever.


Harry smirked as smoke ghosted from his spread heart shaped lips. He was absolutely relaxed while he sat on the couch with a blunt resting in between his pointer and middle finger.

He was shirtless, exposing his bare skin without any shame. The tan skin still remained toned since the man had worked out everyday in a way to release anger, allowing him to show off his torso at any given moment.

The horrid scar still rested on his skin but he knew that no one's attention would go towards the mere line. People's gazes would either go to the numerous tattoos that decorated his skin or his nipple piercings that were still the best thing he ever did to his body.

At least in his opinion.

His left arm rested against the top of the couch while his right occasionally brought the drug to his lips, waiting patiently until he took a long drag before collecting the stick to rest between his fingers once again.

His ripped jeans rested against his ankles in a pool of material along with his briefs while his shoes were somewhere in the space between the door and the living room.

He couldn't open his eyes to look. All he knew was that the marijuana he was smoking was the first great feeling occurring at this moment. Compared to Danielle on her knees eagerly sucking and grabbing at his thick length as if her life depended on it.

"Fuck," he moaned, casually adding the woman's name in order to motivate her to continue. One thing he appreciated about this girl is the lack of a gag reflex and the never-ending amount of saliva that always kept his member slick.

"You like that?" She hummed, pulling off of his dick with a pop while deep shade of blush dusted on her cheeks. "Daddy," she added, gazing up at the man who was taking yet another long pull of his blunt.

"Mhm, just like that." He groaned, his toes curling at the feeling of his member sliding back into her tight throat.

Everything about this girl was tight.
Tight, tight, tight.

Times like this made Harry forget that he was a heart-broken mess. That he used to cry for hours on late nights after his shift at the bar. And the embarrassing fact where he has to close his eyes during any sexual act with Danielle, since she didn't have blue eyes and ridiculously soft lips.

"Harry," she hummed around him, snapping him back from his moment. He rose his head slowly from resting against the couch, looking down at the woman with glassy red orbs.

"Yes?" He coughed, blinking as if his eyelids weighed a thousand pounds. He could honestly just fall asleep like this. His head felt like it weighed a hundred pounds and he could strangely feel the saliva building underneath his tongue.

"Can I have a hit?" She shyly asked, gazing at him with innocent brown orbs even though she was just sucking his dick as of it were her favorite flavored lollipop.

He was hesitant at first. Not because he wanted to be a blunt hog. But because he knew that when she was high as well, she would want him to do something to her and to be fairly honest:

He was tired of fucking her and eating her out. His neck and jaw were tired, his hips sore, and his head hurt from the multiple merciless tugs at his brunette locks.

"Sure." He sighed, blowing the smoke through his large nostrils as he rolled his eyes and rested his head back against the couch. He blindly held out the blunt, waiting until he felt her fingers encase around his and take the stick away from him.

This is what he has come to. This is what he was now. A cursed stoner who had too much on his mind with sometimes glowing red eyes and nipple piercings. At least he had that going for him.

His nose scrunched up as he felt her blow the smoke in his direction, making him tilt his head to the side as if that would change anything. His eyebrows furrowed when he realized that her hand had left from gripping his cock to resting on his thigh, a crease appearing in his forehead at the slight pain that was beginning to tingle in his side.

"Do you want to take this into the room?" She coughed and he could tell that she had a smirk on her flawless face. There was no way he could say no to that. The urge was coming and she wouldn't understand why he had to leave at such an awkward time such as this.

"Sure," he breathed, watching as she stood to her feet with the blunt resting between her plump lips. She didn't look back as she padded towards the door, stripping of her jeans with one hand with the other raked a hand through her dark brown locks.

Harry's hands rubbed at his thighs as the tingling in his fingertips began. His eyes squeezed shut at the sudden pain, a groan leaving his clenched jaw. "Ow," he winced as if that would decrease the pain, his hand tangling into his short strands.

He missed his long hair. So badly. But after time it would be back. Hopefully.

"You coming?" She giggled from inside the room, causing him to grunt as he stood to his feet. His fingers fumbled with the buttons on his jeans as he secured them around his slim waist, his hands reaching down to yank the t-shirt off with one pull over his head.

Just the thought of what was about to happen made him nauseous. More sex. After they literally just fucked in the morning. He still had to do it though. Whether he wanted to or not. His side hurt. And sex was the only way to get away from that.

So with a frown, he walked past the threshold of the door with a quick glance at the knife set resting on the counter in the kitchen before looking forward to see Danielle already naked and ready.

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