"Yeah, it is about 7 there isn't it?" Alex asks and I nod.

"And it's 10 there, isn't it?"

"Yup." Alex says and I sigh, smiling at Sortzen who comes over and jumps up, putting his paws on the stool next to me. I scratch his head and smile wider, turning the laptop to show Alex when she asks what I'm doing and smile when she squeals, I turn the laptop back to me and let Sortzen go over to Tobin to beg for some of our dinner. "He's grown so much since I last saw him." Alex says and I nod.

"He's my big boy." I say and she laughs.

"You'd think that since his mom and her girlfriend are professional and Olympic athletes, they'd keep their dog on the canine equivalent to their diets." Alex says and I roll my eyes.

"I know, but that's too much work. Diets in general are too much work, and Sortzen doesn't deserve this torture, like, he can eat my cookies for me when someone gives me cookies, if I put him on the canine equivalent of my diet, where would those cookies go? The trash, that's where, and that's wasteful, there are kids all across America that would love to have the cookie, but I don't know where those kids are, otherwise I'd feed them, so I'll just do so by donating every time I waste food." I say and Alex laughs. "Also, stop calling my dog fat, he's muscular, not fat."

"Such a decent human being." Alex says and I shrug.

"We have the attention of so many developing minds, those minds want to be like us, or want to be us, and what good are we doing for those minds if we aren't leading with a good example. You and Tobin know how it goes better than I do, hell, I looked up to you both, despite us being two and three years apart." I say and Tobin glances over her shoulder at me. "Don't look at me like that Heath." I say and she shrugs.

"You have a point." Alex says and I nod.

"I know I do." I say and both my girlfriend and my best friend chuckle.

"So besides donating to charity all the time, what have you been up to?" Alex asks and I shrug.

"Catching up on the loss of an entire year I could've spent in the U.S. with my girlfriend." I say and Alex nods as Servando pokes his head into the frame.

"She's been doing the same with her husband." Servando says and I roll my eyes, smiling at my friend as I flip him off.

"Go away bro, let me talk to my mom in peace." I say and Alex snorts a little.

"Totally. I gave birth to you at the age of two."

"One, my birthday is in June, remember?"

"Oh, right, my bad." Alex says and I chuckle.

"But really, I've just been readjusting to being on American soil again, spending time with Tobin and Sortzen. I just came back from working out with Kling." I say and Alex nods.

"I just did the same with Ash." Alex says and I nod.

"Y/N, your dog is begging me for your food and I'm fixing to give it to him and make you go get your own dinner." Tobin says and I sigh.

"You feed my dog my food and I'll throw you in the pool in your sleep, Tobin." I say, getting up and taking Sortzen out back so we can eat dinner. When I walk back into the kitchen, I look at Tobin talking to Alex on my laptop.

"Shut up Alex." Tobin says and I clear my throat.

"Chef Tobin." I say and Tobin looks at me.

"Hi." She says before going to the stove and I chuckle, walking over to my laptop to sit back down.

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