Brick Wall

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I slept through all my classes. Or everything was so easy my classes went by quickly- Time flies when you're having fun!

Nah. Definitely the former. Lunch helped me wake up, more or less. I was hyped  because there was a lot of buzz about Stacey and Ryan.

I walked along the cafeteria and listened to all the comments.

"OMG, did you hear about-"

"Ryan and Stacey, duh! Who hasn't?!"

"I think they're cute!"

"Ewwww, no. Stace could do wayyyy better!"

The guys were all avoiding Stacey when they found out about Stacey. Also because they were jealous.

I kept walking until I bumped into a hooded figure.

"Watch where you're going, spy," the voice hissed.

She was disguised as a "nerd" her arms filled with books. I internally smacked my forehead. Such a stupid disguise

"Need help?" I asked. I felt a bit...

She accepted, and I sat down next to her.

We both looked at each other for a moment.

"I don't know why someone would do this to me!" Stacey cried as a tear escaped her eye. "It's just, I liked him, but I didn't want to. I saw what happens to couples because my parents recently got divorced and...  I wanted to know I could trust him! But I just- I don't know! I'm ruined!"

I felt awful- I mean, I didn't feel bad at all. No remorse. I was an emotionless robot. I was made of stone.

A brick wall.

But at that moment, my wall came crumbling down.

Sorry for the short update! I'll try to make another one soon!



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