Hot Goss Magazine

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Spring Break 2016

BNP Paribas 

Indian Wells, CA

In case you didn't know, BNP Paribas is a tennis tournament where pros play. Tennis is my favorite sport. 

At 8:00 p.m., my family went to a match in stadium two. They were very interesting to watch. Not the players, but the spectators.

My family went to the upper stands, and we sat down behind a family.

2 girls and the parents. The two players... well I'm not gonna name names. Let's just call them by the country they were playing for.

One was playing for the US; the other one was playing for Japan. The guy who was playing for Japan was new, so he didn't receive much support. And we were in the US, so obviously the US player was feelin' the love. 

Pitying the poor guy, I rooted for Japan. Also, I'm Japanese, but mostly because I pitied him.

I politely clapped for both sides, but I cheered for Japan. The father of the family got mad, and he started screaming for the US. Then the older girl, ooooohhhh, she just ruined her life with that one post.

She took a selfie of herself with my family in the background. She typed, "There are a bunch of weirdos behind me." With that, she posted it to her story.

I'm not going to argue, I am weird. But she's not gonna diss me and get away with it. Only I can call myself names. And with that one post, I realized that there were those moments I really despised Snapchat.

Quickly, I grabbed my phone and posted a picture. "This girl dissing me on snapchat... 2 can play at that game."

And with that, I got my spy on.

I wrote my own gossip magazine. Why? Because that's what I'm good at.

Hot Goss Magazine


The girl in front of me is called flirty girl. I named her Fig as an acronym. She was on Snapchat 24/7. Sheesh! Live a little! Life is not on a phone, duh!

So this girl sent out streaks, but not just any streaks- Hot Guy Streaks

You might have already guessed what those are. She literally took a picture of this random guy. 

And you know what she did next? That's right. She sent it out to everyone.

Dang! She's such a stalker! I feel bad for the poor guy.

But then... oh wait! Someone responded! 

Someone responded to the Hot Guy Streaks! She said, "Lucky!!!"

Uh, ew. Who in the right mind...

She started having a conversation with her bff on Snapchat- Andie.

FIG: Omg, im gonna have a pro tennis player boyfriend. ur gonna have a pro basketball player boyfriend

ANDIE💖: im gonna be ur maid of honor at ur wedding, right?💞🌹💖

FIG:  yassss and ur pro basketball boyfriend will be the best man

ANDIE💖: i dont want a bb player. i want shawn mendes!!!!😍😍😍

FIG: OMG!!!! You should see alexander zverev!!! he's a german tennis player-so hot!!! google him😘😘😘

ANDIE💖: im not google him

FIG: shawn mendes!!! its so sad😢i wanna be 18 so we can marry them

Fig started talking about how she should marry Alexander while her friend married Shawn Mendes. Then they started talking about how they loved Alexander and Shawn Mendes soooooo much, but they were too old for them.

Also too good.

ANDIE💖: Ik! they r so hot...

FIG: Why cant our lives be planned before we were born???

My answer?
That's not how it works, so deal with it.


FIG: 😢😢😢


No offense.
But if u take offense I really don't care.

FIG: I need alexander zverev in my life 😭

Kinda hard to keep up because she's on her phone every second. Can't spy fast enough!

She sent a selfie saying something about Alexander loosing. Then another one. It said, "It was soooo hard to take a pic of alexander cuz his back was to me."

Dang it!
I can't see her phone.
This must be a case for-

(Theme music)


If I can hack the phone I can get the hot goss because she has everything saved. And I mean everything.

She said something about Sam being a professional. Sam Querry?

Idk the facts. But gossip is not exactly factual. The paparazzi will accept anything as long as it's juicy

Like this.

I was so busy typing, I completely forgot about the match. 

I was so engrossed in my writing, I didn't realize the people behind me were reading it! Why were they looking at my phone? Where's my privacy?! People these days... so rude.

I'm not exactly being a hypocrite. Fig did something to upset me. I didn't do anything to the people sitting behind me. Glaring at those uncouth people, I took my phone and stalked out. I went to a quiet place to finish my magazine. The restroom. When I came back, I saw her.


The flirty girl is leaving!

And not soon enough

Thank the gods!

Have fun!

Unfortunately, Hot Goss Magazine has been forced to shut down because Flirty Girl is gone. She was our only source of gossip.

So bye now!

Kisses 😘!!!

~Gossip Queen

So, that chapter was pretty bad. I know my grammar is pretty bad too. Sorry! I use text slang when I'm writing about people texting, so I'm sorry if it is confusing!

I hope you keep reading because I have a lot more coming up!!!





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