chapter nineteen

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***not proofread***

Hope's POV

I've decided to bunk gym class, since I'm badass and all. Joking, Nick has gym with me. I have no energy to face him. It's like, if I face him. Then I'll break down. I'll cry. I don't want him to know that I'm weak. I'm not weak. He just brings me pain, pain that is so unbearable.

But I'll have to face him, sooner or later. But I'll rather do it later. I'm not ready. I don't think I'll ever be ready to face him.

I'm sitting by a tree. It's a specific tree. The tree Nick confessed his so called love for me. The tree where I found out I was a challenge, since that day, my life has been going out of control. A lot has happened to me. I don't know why, but it feels like my life will get better.  It's not making sense. First, I feel like dying, now I have Hope. I'm confused. Something is going to happen. I just can't put my finger on it.

I hear the bell ringing signalling last period. What the heck? I'll go. It won't change anything.

I walk very slow to class. I'll be late, I don't care. I have detention in any case.

I enter the classroom, literature. I hate literature. I never hated literature, I just decided I hated it now. I hate everything right now. But hey, who's loving anything?

"Hope, you're late." Mr Paris says.

"I know how to tell time. You don't have to point out that I'm late, cause I know I am." I state.

"Young lady, I won't tolerate that attitude in my classroom." He says. "Okay." I reply. "Whats wrong with you Hope? You always use to be bubbly and happy. Now you disrespecting those whom are older than you." He says.

By now the whole class is listening, ugh. Why? "Anything else?" I ask.

"Leave the classroom now." He says. "It would be my pleasure sir." I respond.

I walk out of the class dramatically, making sure I banged the door.

Might as well make my way to detention, the bell will ring soon. As if the bell read my mind, it rang.

Why does God have to play with me? Why? Why does Jaiden have to be in detention with me? Him of all people. And on his first day? Is he trying to be a bad boy?

I take a seat nearest to the door, so when ever I have to leave, I can sprint away. Away from these stupid humans.

"Hello Daisy." Jaiden says.

Does he have to talk to me? It doesn't mean that he knows my name that he can talk to me? Ugh, God really does hate me.

"Hi." I say and turn around immediately.

"Are you ignoring me Daisy?" He says. "Maybe." I respond.
"That is going to have to change Daisy." He says. "And why is that?" I ask. "Cause you're my friend Hope." He says.

I'm his friend? What the hell? I don't have any friends, I'm friendless. I'm alone, I'm lost, I'm scattered everywhere. I'm gone with the wind. I'm broken, I'm lonely, I'm everything wrong.

"I don't have any friends Jaiden." I state. "You do, you have me." He replies. Why is he so stubborn, can't he go away? "I don't want you, so can you leave me alone?" I ask. "I'm not leaving." He says.

"Why?" I ask. "Cause I want to annoy the shit out of you." He says with a smile on his face. I will literally kill him. Why does everyone want to annoy me? Does it stand annoy me on my forehead?

"Fuck off." I say. "Never Daisy, I'm like the fly that will keep pestering you." He states.

That's just great, now I have a fly on my hands. Fuck my life. Literally. Can't detention be over right now? I want to go. Can't I just leave? That would be better. Better than to wait for the bell to ring.

I'm completely going to ignore him, I'll avoid him as much as I can. Will it be easy? No. But I'll try.

"Right class, you can leave." The teacher states.

I quickly grab my bag pack, and sprint to the door, through the hallway, out the school premises, to my car.

"Thank God." I finally breath out. "Trying to run away from me, hey?" I suddenly jump from where I was standing. "Dude, did you have to creep up on me like that?" I ask, taking heavy breaths.

"You avoiding the question Daisy." He states. "Yes, I was running away from you. Problem?" I ask.

"You're hurting my feelings Daisy." He says dramatically and puts his hands on his heart, wiping a fake tear. "I didn't intend on hurting your feelings Jai." I state jokingly. Did i just give him a nickname? Jai, it has a nice ring to it. "But all you ever do is hurt me, you first steal my heart, then you run away." He waves his hands around dramatically. "I didn't intend on stealing your heart, it was mine in the first place." I fake cry.

He starts laughing, tears are forming in his eyes. I find myself laughing as well. This is the first time I'm geniuly laughing after the incident with Nick. Suddenly my mood changes, I'm not thinking about Jaiden anymore, I'm thinking about Nick. Nick, why does he have to be in everything I do? Can't I stop thinking about him? I don't want him in my life anymore. But he stays somewhere, I don't know where. But I have an idea, he stays in my heart. My brain is saying let go, but my heart is fixated on Nick.

"Daisy, is something wrong? Why you crying?" He says with worry on his face, ugh, I don't need a pity party. "I'm fine." I state.

"You clearly not, if you want to talk about it... I'm here." He says softly.

"Listen here Jaiden, you and I, we are not friends, I don't have friends, I don't believe in the concept of friends. So if you don't want your life to be a complete disaster, stay away from me." I state.

"I don't care what you think Daisy, I want to be your friend. Nothing is going to change that, so suck it up. I don't care if you're a disaster. Aren't we all? We all messed up in some way. Some hides it better than others, some prefer to be alone. But I'm not leaving. I'm staying your friend." He says and walks away.

Who says something like that and walks away? Is he mad?

God, is this the life you planned for me? Date Kyle, get my heart broken by Nick, and get a new friend? Is this a sick joke? Cause I'm not laughing.

I see Nick walking to me, I guess later has arrived too soon.

"Hope, we need to talk." Nick says. "I got nothing to say." I state.

"I guess I'll do the talking then." He says out of breath. What did this guy do? Run a marathon or what?

"Talk." I state bluntly.

"Hope, I need you to..."


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