chapter fourteen

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Nick's POV

"Uh- I... I... " Why the fuck am I stuttering? This is so fucking unbelievable. I can't explain myself to her. I can't. I have no words.

"Well, do you have an answer?" Hope asks. She quickly wipes her tears. She is quick to talk before I could respond. "It's fine, I didn't actually think you would wait, but wait, I met someone is Zimbabwe. He is so cool. He is actually here now." Hope says. Who the fuck is she talking about? And Zimbabwe gives me flashbacks I don't want to have. My mother left me to go there. She and her family. She cheated on my father. What a whore. She cheats and she leaves me. What a bitch.

"He's name is Daniel, and he... " I immediately cut her off. "I know who the fuck he is." Hope's eyes widen with shock. "Wh-what? You know him?" she asks. "Yes, I know who he is. Did you not hear me? Did you probably lose your hearing when you were overseas?" I ask, I couldn't be more fucking pissed. "What happened Nick? What happened to you when I left?" Hope's voice is shaky now. She is holding back her tears. It still hurts me to see her sad. But she left me.

"You fucking left, that's what! And Chelsea has been nothing but kind to me. So if you have a fucking problem. Go to a therapist." I state bluntly and walk away and I pull Chelsea under my arm. I turn to see Hope looking nothing but broken. Daniel pulls her in for a hug. It hurts me that I can't be the one who hugs her anymore. Who kisses her. Who wakes up with her. I guess Daniel fills the spot. Maybe I wasn't enough for her. Maybe I wasn't what she wanted me to be.

School was dragging. I ended up ditching it before the last period. I drive home, my house is quiet. Nothing but darkness. Nothing. No love. Just pure sadness. I see mail in the mailbox. I see a letter from the overseas. From Zimbabwe. Hope must have written me a letter from where she was. And it only arrived now.

Dear Nick                             22 February 2017

Nick, I miss you so much. You have no idea the things happening here in Zimbabwe. The starving, the schooling, everything. I helped a few children. One is very special to me. Her name is Mary. Her mother died and it's only her and her father. She reminds me of me. Weird, right?

Even for a 13 year old, she is much wiser. She has a beautiful soul and heart. I ended up pouring my heart out to her. And her only reply was...

God takes our family away from us. God teaches us that not everything will remain the same. Everyone will not always be there. But you got to believe that you'll remain strong. Because they are watching you from  above.

I cried, I was shocked. She lost her mother and she is so wise. She was broken but she lived through it with her father. Her father loves her so much. There is so much love there.

Anyway, how are you? I'm coming back in a week. Just to let you know. I miss you. Didn't I say that before? Haha.

I finally found myself Nick. I want to be a person who helps other people. I want to be kind. I want to inspire people to do better. I don't want to be the popular girl anymore. I don't want to be a bitch. I want to be Hope.

I guess I'll be seeing you and we still have to talk about our moment in the car outside the hospital. Don't think that I forgot.

Your love

Hope x

She came back for me. But how will I explain Chelsea to her? I love her, I think? Since Hope returned, my feelings has been haywire. It's so fucking confusing. Maybe I should take a month leave. And go to Zimbabwe and feed the giraffes and the poor. 


Hope's POV

I still can't believe Nick is dating Chelsea. Chelsea, of all people. That's like going from a 10 to a 3. Ugh, I don't believe that he could do that. I believe that she has an ulterior motive. She doesn't love him. She is incapable of love. She has a heart of stone.

She had that face when Nick was speaking to me. That face that says, 'I took your man bitch. I'm coming for you.' . She has something planned, I know it.

I enter the girls toilet. I have a massive pee since lunch break. I hear girls enter the restroom. "Did you see the look of Hope's face, when I kissed Nick? It was priceless." that voice belongs to non other than Chelsea, the witch. "Yes, I saw. I couldn't stop laughing. Kyle even laughed. The plans we have for her is payback for everything she has done to us." Alyssa says with an evil tone. "She is going to be crying for days." Chelsea replies.

"I can't believe Nick fell into my trap, he is so stupid. Does he actually think I love him? He must be cray-cray. But he is a good kisser though. And that body. Oh my God, it's to die for." Chelsea says like she is fangirling.

I can't take this anymore. How can they play with his emotions? He is so loveable. They turned him into something he said he would never turn into. I need to tell him. I need to tell him what they are planing.

I look around the whole school, he is no where to be found. Ugh, where is he? I look in the parking lot for his car. It's not there. He probably left, but why?

I'm afraid to lose Nick. I can't lose him. When I kissed him in the car, I wanted to kiss them forever. I want him. I'm ready to give him myself. I just hope he feels the same. The kiss got me thinking other things he could do to me. I have clearly read to much of Christian Grey. But isn't that every girls fantasy, except for the spanking shit. I only want to do bad things to Nick. Hope, stop thinking dirty. Stop! First find him. Then think dirty.

I arrive at Nick's house, it's quiet. I ring the doorbell twice before I hear the door handle moving.

"What are you doing here, Hope?"

I want to do bad things to you. That's why I'm here. Stop it. You said find him then think dirty. My subconscious tells me.

"Uhmm, I'm here for you. I want to tell you something. It's about Chelsea."

"You jealous or something?"

"Why would I be jealous?"

Of course I'm jealous, you fool.

"I don't know. Well, come inside."

I enter the house to the smell of pancakes. My nose is probably sniffing the air out. Nick's starts laughing.

"You still love pancakes, I see?"

"When will I ever stop loving pancakes?"

"That's true, would you like some?"

"I thought you would never asked."

This is something that I definitely missed when I was gone. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Nick is freaking hot. I'm scanning him head to toe. The things I will do to him.

"See something you like?" Nick asks with a cocky tone.

"Maybe." I respond.


I hoped you like it. Sorry for all spelling and grammatical errors.

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