Chapter Four

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Simon's POV

Izzy and I now sit on the couch in Clary's apartment. We made up and she came over to hang out. When the door opened, I smiled, knowing that it was my best friend.

"Look, Clare, we made up all on our own." I said before looking back at her, hearing her sobs as she locked every lock on the door. "Clare. Babe, what's wrong?" Her whole body shook as she ran to her room and slammed the door shut, locking that, too.

I stood and hurried to her door, knocking. "Babe, open the door. Talk to me. What happened?" No answer, just the sound of her sobs.

Loud knocks sounded on the front door and I cautiously opened it. "Where is she?" Valentine and Jonathan stormed in, looking around for Clary.

"She locked herself in her room. What the hell happened at that party?"

"I don't know. She was looking at this one guy and turned to me, almost crying, asking how I could bring her there." Valentine said.

"Who was it? What was his name?" I asked forcefully, only knowing one person that could make her like this.

"Sebastian, I think. It was his party." I sighed.

"You fucking jackass. How could you take her there?! His party?!" I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, Clare needs you. She locked herself in the bedroom. She saw Sebastian."

"Be there in ten. Don't do anything. Leave her be." He hung up and I sat down on the couch.

"Now we wait." I said and Izzy stared at me in wonder.

"What's wrong with Clary? Who is Sebastian?"

"That's something that I can't tell you, Iz. As much as I love you, some secrets aren't meant to shared, especially this one." She nodded.

"Don't tell me then, I don't want to know something I shouldn't." It wasn't long before a knock sounded at the door again and I opened it, letting Reid in as he set his suitcase and bags down inside.

"Still locked in the bedroom?" I nodded and watched as he walked to her door, unlocking it with his key. "Stay out here. Let me handle this." I nodded and sat down with Izzy again.

"Who is that? Why is he the only one going in to see her? And, why does he have a key to her bedroom door?" I sighed at Valentine.

"That's Reid, her ex-boyfriend. He's the only one that can help her right now. God, I can't believe you took her to Sebastian's party. Do you not know what her childhood was like?" I asked.

"No. I didn't want another child back then and Jocelyn and I were getting a divorce anyway, so she kept Clary and I took Jonathan. What was her childhood like? Something bad happened?"

"More than one bad thing happened. Up until she was fifteen, her life was hell on earth and I had no choice but to sit back and watch, because she wouldn't have spoken to me ever again had I told someone. And, even now, I'll keep her secrets, because if she wanted you to know, she'd have told you already." He sighed and sat at the table with Jonathan.

"I didn't know that she had a problem with Sebastian. If I had, I never would've taken her there."

Reid's POV

I walked into her room and sat down on my side of the bed as she attempted to quiet her sobs. "Babe, sit up. Come on." Her body shook in fear and when she pulled the covers off, I sighed at the bruises forming on her neck, in the shape of his hands. And the black eye that was definitely forming, quickly.

"Go away." She choked out and that started a coughing fit.

"No, baby. Sit up, it'll help your breathing go back to normal." She sighed and let me pull her into a sitting position. We both sat with our legs criss-crossed and me holding both of her hands. "Calm down and then tell me what happened." She nodded and it was a good five minutes before she could talk without bursting into sobs again.

"They took me to a party, Jon and dad, but after an hour, I noticed him. Sebastard. He was staring at me with things in his eyes that I never wanted to see again. I ran into the elevator, but he followed me. He punched me, choked me, and I had a panic attack in the cab that dropped me off here. I'm scared, Ree. He'll find me easily anytime he wants to and I can't do a damn thing to stop him from hurting me again." She cried and I pulled her into my lap, holding her close as she cried into my neck.

"Baby, you can do anything you want to. And, you will be fine. Sebastian isn't going to touch you again, I'll make sure of that. But, if you want him to truly go away, you have to report this assault. It's the only way and you know it. I know that court hasn't worked out for you before, but if he did this in the elevator, there will be video. You can lock him up this time." She nodded and kissed my neck.

"Thank you, Ree." She sighed. "I miss you so much." I kissed her shoulder. "So much." She whispered as I kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear.

"I've missed you more, baby. I'm so sorry for what I did. I don't know what I was thinking. I just want you back." She pulled away and nodded at the sincerity in my eyes. "You forgive me and I forgive you?" She nodded and I leaned up, kissing her softly.

"I love you, Reid." I smiled at her words and kissed her cheek, making her wince a little.

"I'm gonna go get you some ice. Should I tell your dad and Jonathan to leave?" She nodded, no longer smiling.

"I don't want to see them right now." I nodded and pushed her to lay back down, so she did.

"What about Simon and Izzy?"

"They can stay if they want." I nodded and stood, leaving the room. "Get me some water, too?" I chuckled and nodded, closing the door behind me.

"Okay." I spoke back to her and turned to the expectant looking group. "She's alright for now, but she wants you two to leave." I said to Jon and Val.

"Fine. Just tell her that we love her, okay?" I nodded and they grabbed their suit jackets before leaving.

"So, she's better now?" I nodded to Simon. "What the hell happened?" He followed me to the kitchen.

"He hit her, choked her, left a few bruises on her neck and her eye, so don't be surprised when you see them, it might make her feel bad." He nodded. "She forgave me." I dropped some ice into a ziploc baggie.

"That's good. Are you guys back together?" I shrugged.

"I don't know yet. Maybe soon, but not yet." I made her a glass of water and headed back to the bedroom, where Clary had now fallen asleep. I set the glass on the table and covered her up with the blanket, kissing her head before returning the ice to the freezer.

I'll get her back eventually. I know it.

Accidental Life (On Hold) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя