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Toast's pov

Sir and Jordan were playing Mario Kart and arguing over who could be Bowser. Nothing about this situation was sitting well with me. One Casket was enough, two was overkill. Besides, Jordan shot his own sister without a second thought. As far as I knew that was the exact opposite of how he would normally act.

I was just preparing dinner when the phone rang.
"Hello, this is PIE, Paranormal Investigators Extraordinaire. How may we help you?"

It was Billy.

"Calm down Billy, what's wrong?"

I heard him take a few deep breaths before answering in a calmer manner.
"I'm not B-Billy. Th-this i-is Isaac."

My eyes widened. They hadn't sounded that alike earlier. Could the same thing that had happened to Jordan begun to happen to him too?
"My apologies. What's the trouble?"


"We're on our way."
I hung up and turned to where the others were still arguing, now about whether Spooker or Colon was more annoying. Good thing the two were training out of town this week.
"We have another case at the Accachalla's."

They both turned to look at me. Sir turned off the gaming system and set down his controller.
"What now?"

"Waffle demons."

Jordan jumped up.
"Demons? With an s? As in more than one?"

I sighed and nodded my head.
"It seems Mrs. Cierra shares that quality with Sally."

Sir got up as well and slung his bag over his shoulder.
"Let's go then."

Jordan nodded and grabbed a matching bag from.... where did he get that from? He didn't have it before, and we didn't have any extras. Just, one moment he had nothing, the next he had a bag identical to Sir's.

I'd look into it later. For now I needed to stop Mrs. Cierra from getting killed by her own brother. I grabbed the emergency waffles from the fridge and got in the backseat of the van while Sir drove and Jordan rode shotgun. It was strange, they even held themselves the same when sitting. If one didn't know any better, you'd think they were twins. Unfortunately, that was probably very, very bad.

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