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A little bit after Cierra woke up Papa came in to see what was going on. He was nice, well as nice as Papa Accachalla can be. Spencer was still in the basement and Sue had come back from work an hour ago. Billy and I were in the kitchen with Mama Gertrude and Sally and Cierra were in the backyard eating waffles and playing with Freddy, who had instantly taken a liking to Cierra.

We were enjoying ourselves when we heard glass breaking upstairs. Billy and I both looked at each other, I don't know how but I knew exactly why he was scared, and why I was scared. Maddie-Friend. We both ran for the backyard, hoping that maybe we could hide in the tree house. Unfortunately, Maddie-Friend jumped out of a window and landed in front of us.

"Hi Billy-Friend and.... other Billy-Friend?"

"Hi I'm Isaac," I said, then Billy and I ran for our lives.

We ran back into the house, up the stairs, and dove into a closet. We heard Maddie-Friend walk past and we scooted farther back. I don't know how long we were in there but eventually she left. We didn't leave the closet until Cierra and Sally literally pulled us out. Afterword, Mama Gertrude made waffles. It was hard to get any with Sally and Cierra there but we managed. We were all eating, except Spencer who wasn't allowed to leave the basement, when there was a sound outside.

"And this is the Accachalla's. We do a lot of haunting here, oui Maxwell?"

We all looked at each other. We knew what this meant.

"Gertrude! Call dem P.I.E. people! We got ghosts!" Papa ran out with his shotgun to confront the ghosts.

I ran out too. I couldn't believe it, Bethany was a ghost and was hanging out with Aimee and Maxwell.


She waved at me "Hey Isaac. Look at me. This is fun. How are things going here?"

"Good. Papa Just called P.I.E.so Jordan should be here soon."


The whole time Papa had just been watching us with a confused look on his face. "So this is your sister?"


"Well then I guess she can come in but I'm keeping my eye on the others."

We all went inside where Cierra and Sally were still eating. When Bethany floated in beside me Cierra jumped up and went to hug her.

"BETHANY!" Cierra leaped at Bethany but went right through her into a wall.

"Oh right, I'm a ghost Cierra. I can go solid but I'm still kinda figuring that out."

"Oh well," Cierra said holding her head, "Jordan should be here soon and he'll probably be happy to see you."

So we all sat around the table, well, some floated, Me, Cierra, Bethany, Billy, Sally, Sue, Papa, Mama Gertrude, Aimee, and Maxwell. This should be fun.

Hey guys. I'm happy to say that the plot is going to start up soon and I'm so excited. I recently found this movie on Netflix called the Secret of Moon acre. I'm so happy because I haven't seen it since I was really little and I forgot how much I loved it. Okay I'm done now. The next chapter should be up in a few days.

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